Well Rob, not meaning to waste your time. but as far as conspiracy theories, I don't believe they are theories anymore. There is a presence in our Government that is all powerful and all knowing, and it's scary as hell. It's been there for over a century now and the evidence is absolutely overwhelming. We started off on the right path but we got misdirected rather quickly with the good intention of taking care of the people, unfortunately to do that, the cost is liberty and freedom. As far as trying to convince you, Not. I don't think I'm going to have too. I believe time will reveal all, and we have one very scary Government on our hands and it's pissing off a large portion of the citizens of the world. It's over bearing and spreading Democracy where it's not wanted. I don't blame them either.
as far as what I'm going to do in the event of the tipping point, I'm going to head for the hills, I want no part of rioting in the streets, or a police state. I can and will be rather comfortable just living a free life. probably get my horse and just head for the country side avoiding all the skirmishes I can. I also believe it will start with a significant event be it either a foreign invasion or some natural calamity which knocks out our very weak and feeble power grid rendering our pathetic modern society impossible to live. The time grows near as History is never wrong in predicting the future...
I believe our situation is un-recoverable, no matter what we do, The united States of America is over, we have surrendered our liberty to the almighty dollar which is totally worthless. its only a matter of time before hyper inflation sets in and the true value of the dollar reveals itself, and at that point we're toast. no one will be able to survive w/o some careful planning now...
It's all about the dollar, there is no such thing as inflation. Things do not increase in value as time wears on. Inflation is nothing but theft by Government. our Dollar is worth about .015 cents to the dollar of a century ago. the price of items goes up not because it's worth more but because the value of the dollar your buying it with is worth less. That's totally a fact. even our constitution tells us that only gold and silver are money. whatever we print on paper is just paper, it's worthless and becoming more so the more our government goes in debt, and prints. they're literally stealing your bank account from you by simply printing money and making what you have and saved worth less. they're stealing your wealth and most people don't see it because they see they're money still there. not realizing that they're money literally has 1/2 the buying power it had just a year ago. The tipping point will occur when people like you realize your broke, no matter how much money or stable you think you have or are....
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