TBD on Ning

Tell me two things in response to the request. Then post your own for the next person.

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Ride the subway and wear heels


TM2T you're going to do today, besides work.

Buy dog food and make a White Chocolate Banana Cream Pie.


TM the last two cd's you bought. Maybe then I'll let you sit next to me at lunch hour.

The Blind Boys of Alabama &..... thinking.....

Phish, I think (at a 'fill up a bag for $5' sale at a local library book sale)


TM2T you like to do together/at the same time

Besides the obvious? :-D

Read aloud and cook


TM2 Halloween costumes you've worn as an adult

Gypsy and Lab Tech.   :)


TM2T you like to top your chilli with?

Sour cream and more chiles.


TM2T you hate about Walt Disney World.



Never been there, don't ever plan on going there...
But, I'd guess long lines and overpriced, crappy food??

TM2 books you loved to read

(and re-read): Through the Looking Glass and the collected shorts of Ernest Hemingway,


TM2T that are good about plastics.

hmmm.... they're involved in making of prosthetics & they're singlehandedly responsible for creating ZIPTIES!


TM2T you've used fabric for.

to make curtains and to cover stereo speakers


TM2T you are passionate about

Animal rescue & civil rights.


TM2T you've taken to the beach.

A book, and beer.


TM2T you've Googled.




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