TBD on Ning

yesterday I went to the Dollar Store and bought a couple hundred little, soft plastic, very colorful balls about the size of a tennis ball. Took them to the park and threw them out on the sand around the swings. The little kids went wild! Lots of fun watching them running around chasing and tossing them and trying to collect them in their arms. Made me and the parents there laugh too. No particular reason.

So what have you done lately that made you gigle?  

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I have a six pound rag-mop mutt that thinks she's a German Shepherd.

I giggle just about every time I look at her.

Gee, I dunno, I laugh often.....there's lots of funny stuff going on out there.

I don't even know if I giggle....I'll have to moniter myself closer to find out, I guess.

Ran for town council, against 20 year incumbents, took one third of the vote as an unknown, with just a month to campaign. Made me chuckle, them, not so much!.....;) 

BTW, I lost, but they know who I am now.
Give 'em hell again the next time, Craig!
That's pretty cool, Craig.   You may take 'em next time.
Left a cd in the van set to a highly annoying song and cranked just a tad bit louder than normal.  Waiting for the unsuspecting victim to be hit....again.

Love reading this.....

Driving home from the concert last night we started doing the story game...[one person starts the next one continues the story]

It was a saga about 4 moles....the couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

I have the Repbulican debate on the TV...

O, wait, that's not a giggle...that's a laugh out loud!

Could you tell if any of the Brew-Ha guys were in attendance?
Do you think they made the drive over to New Hampshire?
Probably not, they're pretty tight with a buck.
O, all that "fiscal responsibility" I guess...




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