TBD on Ning

I have a pesky in-grown toe nail.  It was smashed years ago and has never been the same.   It tends to curl in on the side.  Mostly I can keep it in check with a good clipping.  Lately, I don't reach so well to clip without cutting off the blood flow to my brain.
Today, I gave in  and went to see Dr Jim.  He proceeded to clip away and make small talk.  I was okay...grimacing and making quiet noises.  He obviously was challenged by my situation and seemed to get deeper in his application.  
I got louder...apologized if I startled the patient in the next room.  He offered xylocaine...albeit a bit late in the process....I said....."Yes"!!!  I now have two very numb toes six hours later.
Mind you, I've given birth to 4 babies....before the days of  epidurals!   This onslaught to my little piggy was tough.
How far do or have you gone without asking for the "good" stuff?

Tags: feel the burn, no pain no gain, tough as nail, wimp

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Now, Jaylee, why on earth would I do that??
Tough it out or bear with it?
I can only compare your experience to my tooth extractions for which I asked for the "good stuff" two days in advance of the expected pain.
there ya go, Bob. That's what I'm talkin' about.
Tough it out NOR bear with it. ;-p
Me too. The older I get the less I want to bear with it.
I had to review a chart today. This fellow was born in 1915....had very little to add to his chart. This other fellow, born in 1953 was a mess.
I'm really very lucky to have to bitch about an ingrown toenail.
Pain is fleeting....reality...not so much.
Hey, I see no reason to bear pain if there is an alternitive. I figure I've had enough pain. I have no problem with letting others have their fair share. Bring on the oxycodone, Asprin demeral, valium, whatever. Pain be gone.
I have experienced off the chart pain twice in my life, and that's enough for me. I had an epidural the last time I had surgery, and tried to talk them out of removing it 3 days after the surgery. They took it out anyway, but I still had my dilaudid. :-)




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