I get accused of "pushing the envelope" -- here, on TBD, and elsewhere in life. There's merit to the observation. I am constantly testing the limits, constantly challenging the rules. I took a battery of psychological tests a few years ago and the test results said: "Subject has a tendency to challenge or denounce social sanctions to the point where he may lose sight of his own best interests."
Several days ago a TBD member posted the following comment on a blog I had posted about a town in Austria whose name is identical to an obscene word in English. The member said: "If you are going to push things to the edge then you should expect to fall off sometime. I guess that you should consider your delivery. There are double meanings in that fucking is fucking. In the immortal words of George Carlin 'you can prick your finger but you can't finger your prick.' Quit jerking everybody around and trying to antagonize people."
1. A misogynist says: "I don't excuse crimes against women, but some women are asking for it when they get raped. They wear those short skirts, and revealing tops. It's going to send some men over the edge. Some men can't help it. If you are going to push things to the edge then you should expect to fall off sometime."
2. In the summer of 1978 I attended a Metropolitan Opera performance of the opera Madame Butterfly at the Robin Dell in Philadelphia with my sister. Seated behind me were two older women. One said to the other. "I can't excuse the Holocaust. It was terrible: killing six million Jews. But the Germans had to do something. The Jews were taking over the country. They were taking over the banks, the newspapers, the universities. What were the Germans to do? Hitler had to do something. The Jews were ruining the country." If you are going to push things to the edge then you should expect to fall off sometime.
3. An Iranian conservative says about the recent Iranian post-election protests: "I don't condone violence by the government against the people. The people protested. They had their say. But the government responded. The Supreme Leader said that the protests had to stop for the good of the country. Yes, it's a shame that people were killed and injured. But if you are going to push things to the edge then you should expect to fall off sometime."
4. An Egyptian Muslim says about the World Trade Center terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001: "I denounce terrorism and violence. The terrorist attacks in New York were a terrible tragedy. But the U.S. government acts like a bully around the world. They have supported the criminal Zionist regime in Israel for the last 60 years in total disregard of the rights of the Palestinian people, my brothers. The U.S. Government disrespects Muslims. Everyone knows that." If you are going to push things to the edge then you should expect to fall off sometime.
5. An abortion opponent says: "I don't condone violence, and especially not murder. But when a doctor performs abortions, when he wantonly kills innocent life, he should expect a backlash. Yes, killing of abortion doctors is going to happen. If you are going to push things to the edge then you should expect to fall off sometime."
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