Five simple rules for dealing with the police.
1. Be respectful.
2. Do what the officer tells you to do even if you think it's stupid, meaningless, or offensive. (Police forced their way into my house on one occasion and accused me of having threatened to commit a serious crime. I was innocent. But they didn't believe me at first. They even told me what chair I should sit in -- IN MY OWN HOUSE. But I did as they told, and they eventually left. Even if the police enter YOUR house, remember, they own the air you breathe, That's just the way it is.)
3. Don't play F. Lee Bailey. Don't tell the police: "I'm an American. I know my rights." The police, in all probability, know what country they're in and they have probably heard of a document called the Constitution of the United States. They're probably sick of hearing the F. Lee Bailey routine.
4. Remember, the police are probably acting rationally based on the information they have available to them. Sometimes they act based on incorrect information. Be patient with them. They are just people doing a job. They are usually rational.
5. Don't argue with the police. The police stage is not the forum to make arguments. The police are going to do what they are going to do. If you're arrested, you'll get your day in court. You can also later file a complaint with the police department, hire a lawyer, or contact the ACLU or other defense organization. The police are not judges or lawyers--remember that.
And, by the way, I'm a lawyer. I have had numerous encounters with the police, but I have never been arrested.
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