TBD on Ning

Over the last year I have lost over 55 lbs. I silently went about making small changes in my life that over time had a major affect. I say silently because I didn't declare out loud to anyone that I was going on the South Beach diet or joining Jenny Craig. I made a small decision to not be fat anymore. I would be "hot" by 50. I will be 50 next February and I think I'm MORE than on track.
Recently my mother asked me how I was doing on my weight loss. Honestly, I barely think about it in those terms. It's more about being healthy, happy and feeling great! But I did tell her that according to my original goal I had about 10-15 lbs to go. (I'm feeling pretty "hot" already and not sure about that particular weight goal now.) Then she offered to help me out with a new wardrobe if I lost the last 10! I queried, "So, all I get is a pat on the back for losing over 55 lbs and I have to lose just 10 more to get a new wardrobe?" Her reply was a succinct, "Yep!"
That's my mom!
Now my mom hasn't seen me in a while. I've told this story to friends and they say, "You don't need to lose anymore! Wait a couple months, send her a picture and tell her you did it!" I've comtemplated this but have decided that the last push will be good for me and I'll enjoy the clothes MORE knowing that I didn't cheat my dear, old mother to get them!
I'll use the same practical steps to lose the last 10 and it'll take a while but it'll be worth it!

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Comment by Robert on September 9, 2009 at 3:48pm
you keep up the hard work I quit smoking 1 1/2 years ago I know how hard thing can be go get em
Comment by Red Blooded American Male on September 3, 2009 at 1:21pm

You are to be congratulated. You are an example to each of us to follow who desire to lose weight. You did it the right way, and it shows.
Comment by JMcAul on August 21, 2009 at 2:51pm
Bless you Marti, you are telling MY story! At 48 I made the same decision (no longer to be overweight and unhappy about it.) I also made the decision not to 'go on a diet' as I had so many times before, but to really 'grow up' in my eating (part of that decision was coming to the realization that McDonald's french fries are no longer suitable food for a woman my age, along with stuff like donuts, ice cream, potato chips, etc. etc.) for me, reading the book "the South Beach Diet" really helped. Their maintenance phase 3 serves as the framework for my daily food choices. I have learned to love things like lean turkey breast, salmon burgers with fresh salsa, Kashi products, sugar snap peas, etc.
I also decided that I did not have to 'lose 20 pounds in 1 week' in order to measure my success. At first my goal was just to stop the scale from it's slow upward creep (I only weigh once a week also.) Once I acheived that goal my aim became to slowly start it retreating back down. I resolved that even as little as one half pound per week was good enough and would result in a 26 pound loss in a year. I think that is a pretty good acheivement considering how horrified I would be to gain the same amount over a years period.
I also joined a gym and got some help starting a work out program. I used an online personal training resource called Global Health and Fitness (I think it is www.global-fitness.com) I had a personal trainer assigned to me and checked in with her weekly. It really helped me get into the routine of working out on a regular basis and helped put on some muscle which beefs up your metabolism (mine's always been on the slow side - I swear I can gain 5 pounds just looking at certain foods haha!)
I lost close to 30 pounds over about 6 months time and have kept it off for over two years. I'm in better shape than I've ever been in my life and this is now my lifestyle. I feel confident in just about anything I wear and yes, I'm feeling pretty "hot" for 50 as well. It's so nice to find another lady my age who's enjoying the same lifestyle renaissance!



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