Are you looking for the logical fallacy in the statement "the government screws up everything it gets involved in?"
The logical fallacy is that there are major screw ups in the private sector. Look at the banking crisis. Lehman Brothers was privately owned. It no longer exists because of faulty investment practices. Lehman Brothers was a case of private capitalists screwing up everything without any intervention by the government. How do conservatives explain that? What about the housing crisis? That was a result of private capitalism running amok.
Why is the American auto industry in deep trouble?
Conservatives say that health reform will lead to rationing of health care. There already is rationing of care by private insurance companies. Private insurance companies will not cover people with pre-existing conditions. Isn't that rationing of health care by private companies?
I learned a long time ago to be cynical about most things Republicans say. It seems that consistently, since the end of World War I, the Republicans have rejected every major progressive idea. The campaign against health care reminds me of Republican opposition to President Wilson's campaign for U.S. membership in the League of Nations. Spiders have been building the same type of spider webs for the last two million years. Republicans remind me of spiders. They don't evolve. And they oppose anybody who proposes that society evolve and improve.
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