TBD on Ning

Extraversion is characterized by positive emotions, surgency, and the tendency to seek out stimulation and the company of others. The trait is marked by pronounced engagement with the external world. Extraverts enjoy being with people, and are often perceived as full of energy. They tend to be enthusiastic, action-oriented individuals who are likely to say "Yes!" or "Let's go!" to opportunities for excitement. In groups they like to talk, assert themselves, and draw attention to themselves.

Introverts lack the exuberance, energy, and activity levels of extraverts. They tend to be quiet, low-key, deliberate, and less involved in the social world. Their lack of social involvement should not be interpreted as shyness or depression. Introverts simply need less stimulation than extraverts and more time alone.

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Comment by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana on August 2, 2009 at 1:26pm
D.D. Olson - I'm with you - my batteries get charged when I am alone too - being with certain types of people
drains me quickly.
I spent 20 years or so with a shy introvert, and now I am with an exuberant cheerful extrovert. It's much more fun! He encourages me and insists I get out and about, and I deeply appreciate this, as I have (very) reclusive tendencies. Once I'm out the door, I usually have a happy time and can party down with the best of them. But getting me out the door - unless it's work or travel related, is something one has to be a past master at - and Douglas (TSD) is - bless him! Complimentary attributes, it's a great thing in any sort of partnership!
Comment by D. D. Olson on August 2, 2009 at 6:19am
I like to think of it as "where do I get my batteries charged?". My batteries get charged when I'm alone, so I'm an introvert. My mom is the exact opposite -- she gets charged up when she's around people.
Comment by Baia on August 1, 2009 at 4:59pm
I need to feel energized already before I go into social situations. If I don't have energy already, I have to force myself go out there to get it from other people. I don't know where that came from, but I know of many who easily go out to feel better. I wish I knew how to do that or that I could be more vulnerable that way.
Comment by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana on August 1, 2009 at 4:26pm
I agree 100% WendyLynn. Shyness is a different kettle all together. My mum was extremely shy, she worked very hard at trying not to be, and always said how grateful she was that I was not born that way. I'm very reserved until I am comfortable, and despite my exuberance and energy here in TBD - I am not one to seek out activity in RL. I always just wanna stay home and read - or be with people I trust and am totally comfortable with. I force myself to be social, cuz I know it's a good thing.
Comment by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana on August 1, 2009 at 2:48pm
So true. Introversion and shyness not synonymous personality traits. Although I am not lacking in exuberance, energy and activity when warranted, I'm far far less involved with the "outside" world than one might suspect, and when involved, I can't wait to get home - retreat and re-energize. Crowds annoy and unsettle me - although I can tolerate it, and I can spend a long period of time without human contact and not feel bereft. Apparently I typify the INTJ classification. Introverts can be positive thinkers, they are just more pragmatic about it.



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