TBD on Ning

"Swine Flu is NOT the Problem -- It is the Vaccine that May Harm or Kill You," says Dr Mercola

You’ve probably noticed the escalating hype and hysteria surrounding the swine flu pandemic as colder months approach and the number of worldwide cases climbs. It’s true the virus is spreading.
Much more important, however, is the fact that reported cases continue to be symptomatically mild, requiring little or no medical intervention. And deaths from the H1N1 virus remain extremely low, at less than one half of one percent of reported cases as of July 6.

Despite this fact, the United States has committed to spending another $1 billion on ingredients for an H1N1 vaccine, according to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, with plans for a mid-October vaccination program intact.

The White House Speaks About Swine Flu
If you’re on the White House email distribution list, you received an email recently announcing the “H1N1 Influenza Preparedness Summit” held on July 9. The note was signed by the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS), Homeland Security, and Education.

The message said, in part:
“We are working together to monitor the spread of 2009-H1N1 and to prepare to initiate a voluntary fall vaccination program against the 2009-H1N1 flu virus, assuming we have a safe vaccine and do not see changes in the virus that would render the vaccine ineffective.”

Two things in this paragraph stand out. Number one -- the vaccination program is still voluntary. A plan for mass swine flu vaccinations is not good news, but it appears that at least for now, the choice is still up to you.

The other item which stands out in that paragraph is the phrase, “... assuming we have a safe vaccine.”

How safe is a vaccine that has been developed, “tested,” and shipped for mass distribution in a matter of weeks. The answer -- it isn’t.

Unfortunately, President Obama is fully onboard with the prospect of mass injections of inadequately tested, potentially deadly vaccines.

"We want to make sure that we are not promoting panic, but we are promoting vigilance and preparation," he said during the July 9 summit, adding, "the most important thing for us to do is to make sure that state and local officials prepare now to implement a vaccination program in the fall."

For more information about target groups, vaccine adjuvant squalene, and reports on the Swine Flu of 1976, go to:

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Tags: flu, swine, vaccines


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Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 19, 2009 at 11:07am
this is the first time you and i have had any interaction, alendar, so i don't know how much you know about my personal opinions, because i don't usually state them. so let's not assume anything. as a matter of fact, i enjoy a reputation (in real life) of being fair and unbiased, as i present facts and allow everyone who comes to see me to make choices. that's what we do here....make co-created changes. i'm very big on education and choice.

my platform: preserving the health freedoms we enjoy today.

i am pro-choice on health issues. i am against mandating just about anything. if people want to be vaccinated, go for it. if you don't, then don't. we shouldn't be sent to jail or not allow kids in school because we don't vaccine. some people can't have vaccines without becoming sick --- it's that simple. why should the quality of their health be put in jeopardy because "decision-makers" don't aren't aware of the population who cannot handle what's in these vaccines? they are a death sentence to some. i take care of people. i see their health issues. i listen to their complaints and concerns. perhaps the fact that i'm on the front line is what makes me more aware and compassionate of human frailties than others.

i also write/provide educational health and news information. they are fact-based reports without bias. people are very savvy, and when people are well educated, they are able to make sound decisions for themselves. if you feel my reports are 'biased', it may be because i provide a differing (and new to some) point of view. people are creatures of habit, and many times like to hold on to what they know, rather than being open to processing new information --- especially when it's new. at some point, all information was new to us -- so at what point do some of us close off to learning and growing?

i am also pro-integrative medicine, meaning there's room for different philosophies and trainings to provide optimum care for our citizens. this is evidenced by my posting opinions of a variety of medical experts on tbd blogs.

in a true 'health care' program, health education, including information to make high quality nutritional and lifestyle choices would be at the forefront as a preventative measure. when people become educated in how to live well, there will be less need for unnecessary surgeries and the overprescribing of pharmaceuticals.

as for myself, i have said time and time again that if something ever happened and god forbid i'm splattered all over the 405 fwy, scoop it all up, take me to the hospital and have them put me back together. that's what md's do...they save lives. after i get out, i'll detox and get back on track...that's what nd's do....we educate people how to achieve and maintain vibrant health as a course of disease prevention. there's room for both philosophies, and we need both for good health.

i believe there can be health care reform without mandating vaccines or anything else. i also believe a viable plan can be created without government intervention. it would mean a huge change in our country because it would rock the biggest industries with the largest group of lobbyists and most money. but it's possible. some people seek a quick fix change to a problem that took decades to create. and swinging the pendulum completely the other way may not prove to be a wise decision in the long run.

change for change's sake is foolish. change, particularly health care, needs to be well thought out and well planned. have we learned nothing from what we've endured these past decades?

the specific problem i have with vaccines is the fact that they still use thimerosal (mercury) as a preservative, even though they claim to have removed it. the fda ruled "trace amounts" can still be used in manufacturing. one mcg or less is considered a "trace amount" --- but the fact is that one mcg is a neurotoxin. you'd think that with all the money big phama has, they could create something without known neurotoxins which have known and deleterious side effects.
Comment by Alendar on August 19, 2009 at 10:15am
My death panel advised me to get a death shot. OCND is obviously biased against anything involving man-made medications. I despise bias when it is disguised as providing free information. She might be right about the vaccine, and I am curious, but only because Joe Underpants said he had read about it. I don't know anything about Mr. Underpants, but anyone who can write a 2-line comment in the midst of heavy cross-fire is worth considering.

Anyone who picks a singular stance and fights tooth and nail against anything that conflicts with that stance is of no value, or at least their opinion. Someone pro-vaccine who exhibited an anti-doctor history would be relegated to the noise factor, too.
Comment by SuzanneF on August 16, 2009 at 1:34am
I live on this planet and besides the dangerous stuff they are adding to these vaccines, common sense alone should tell folks, hey , wait a minute, they're rushing this. Would you seriously want your doctor to rush through your cancer test results, NO. SSDD. Squalene is being added as an adjuvant to these vaccinations, and squalene causes your nervous system to fight itself and shut down. It is a foreign substance that our natural little bodies do not like. That alone scares me. So if you want to line up for your death shots, go right ahead. I am someone who survived the 1976 variety and thank god for it, and oh my!!! was never vaccinated for it, and yet 33 years later live to tell. Everything about this H1N1 is wrong. Wake up people, it is wrong, wrong, wrong wrong. Wrong it exists, wrong people are not aware of the evilness behind it all. We all are entitled to our opinion and that is mine.
Comment by Romulan Warrior on August 13, 2009 at 1:51am
Romulan Warrior Sez:

I came here seeking information on your H1N1 virus.

You Earthlings can be so unenlightened. From small minds come small concepts. In my part of the galaxy we thirst for all information, then reason our own logical conclusion. All the blathering is consuming my precious oxygen. Toby and Diana who never venture beyond the grounds of what you call a 'trailer park' will never understand life in the big city, let alone my part of the galaxy. I agree with the Dawg of Fire... OCND is offering knowledge gleaned from recognized Earth experts. However, your CBS does not reach my ship.

And don't confuse Romulans with those wimpy 'Live Long and Prosper' Vulcans. Romulans take what we want and kill the rest. So feed me documented research, not BS.

Comment by Joe Underpants on August 12, 2009 at 11:15pm
I read about this. My wife and I will not be taking this vaccine.
Comment by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana on August 12, 2009 at 8:51pm
OCND. You conveniently censored the discussion you started in FWO by deleting it in it's entirety in the dead of night, - and fortunately not everyone has your recollection of events, which you have artfully skewed entirely to your favour. You are a liar. Plan and simple. You were never asked to leave. You were asked to temper you information. YOU left of your own volition, and YOU removed the discussion post, I can only speculate, because YOU were embarrassed by your bad behaviour there. Careful here OCND - there are a lot of witnesses to that discussion of yours. Quite a number of members posted - not just myself, and I might add, they posted in my defence.

I also notice that you seem to be plagerising. Your post in "Creating Vibrant Heath" (sic.) (heath?) has exact sentences lifted from the following blog.

You have edited it since your original post earlier on in the evening, but the opening sentence - and several other sentences are exact from the aforementioned blog. I discovered other sentences that when copied and pasted into my browser - led me straight to other blogs. Seems you like to "cherry pick " sentences here there and everywhere for your blog posts.

A cut and paste into the browser of much of what you write reveals that much of your writing is derivative, and not accredited properly.

I feel sorry for you. Trust that I will not darken your posts, or your group(s). I will however - be watching you for plagiarism, for bulling, for censorship, and for bull sh*t. And when I catch you at it, I will call you out about it. I have zero tolerance for misinformation and misleading information.

I notice you did not answer my question about your association with Mercola. Hum. Perhaps I should ask him myself.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 12, 2009 at 7:48pm
please stop. just stop.

i thought you'd figure out on your own that this discussion was closed earlier today. i've invited you to stop harassing me weeks ago, but you didn't get it. so, i'll say the same to you...please stop following me from blog to blog and group to group. this predatory behavior creates an uncomfortable feeling within the tbd community. since you have disregarded my previous requests, i am left only to ask that you please keep your distance from me going forward.

i have nothing else to say regarding this matter.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 12, 2009 at 6:08pm
first, i'm sorry about the 'editing' incident. that was a misunderstanding. i later realized that we must have been posting something at the same time, and somehow a portion of my response was edited. i have no idea how that happened.

so let's just settle the rest of whatever beef you have with me.

it appears that there was a misunderstanding early on. i posted a factual report regarding mammograms on fwo. your responses to the post were evidence that you misunderstood dr kim's information, and read your personal thoughts into his report.

i never advised against mammograms. the report was intended to create awareness about the amount of radiation during the screening process. the report also mentioned mammograms are a method of detection and not a preventative measure. these are facts.

you falsely accused me of 'selling a brand'. i sell no products on tbd. rather, i offer free education at my own time and expense.

i didn't call you names. but i told you at the time that your words made me feel bullied -- along with feeling dismissed, discredited, disrespected and defamed.

you made yourself crystal clear that you did not appreciate my input and asked me to go elsewhere. i didn't want to cause trouble, or make anyone uncomfortable, so i left - and took my blog with me. i thought you'd be pleased to see us go after the lashing you gave me for putting it there in the first place. guess there's just no pleasing you.

this incident occurred in july, and yet you continue to make attempts to denigrate my position and character a month later. i've asked you many times before and i'll ask again --- please stop following me from blog to blog and group to group. this predatory behavior creates an uncomfortable feeling within the tbd community. since you have disregarded my previous requests, i am left only to ask that you please keep your distance from me going forward.

i have nothing else to say regarding this matter.
Comment by Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana on August 12, 2009 at 4:16pm
Rouse him, and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots. Sun Tzu, 600 B.C.

Proverbs 16:18 ~ Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Ah. OCND. Where were all these guidelines and your (sudden and) devoted dedication to them when you called me a liar and and a bully and a "Hater of Free Thinkers" and accused me unjustly of "editing" your posts - when such action is impossible to do - and then you censored by deletion all comments concerning your discussion in For Women Only AND then- for more fun - there was your censorship of my opinion of your Durham virile campaign sign! Where is your dedication to these "principles" (cherry pick as you like) when you attack and strive to humiliate (as you have clearly done to me, and TobyRow ) and others (jacquin comes to mind too) who post comments on your blogs ?

As for "feelings" and you slavish devotion to this notion - one's feelings translate into opinions. Let people have their say - permit them without condescending to them to express their opinion, which is - after all a direct result of their feelings. Please stop riding roughshod over people. Especially those who do not agree with you. If you can't handle dissent, close your blogs to comments.

You seem forever at odds with those who don't subscribe to you way of thinking, and those who are not equally devoted to your guru - Joseph Mercola .

I strongly suggest to all that you research this character. His claims have been refuted innumerable times. Speaking of Mercola - are you on his payroll OCND? Do you have permission to lift his articles verbatim and plant them here in TBD and in your personal blog?

What, exactly is your association with this man?
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 12, 2009 at 1:52pm
ladies, you can bash me all day long. your words are meaningless.

first of all, this information is provided by Dr Joseph Mercola, a Chicago-based, internationally recognized and highly regarding medical doctor and health expert. he also included the cbs newsreel clip and video reel including Dr Nancy Cox of the CDC. so no need to get yourselves all worked up into a lather, because they are medical and government sources of information. if you take issue with the information, contact them directly. i've suggested people contact their government for months now.

second, leave california out of it. as a matter of fact, i'm east coast raised and educated. true, i live in fabulous south orange county, and it is beautiful here. as a matter of fact, this is what i look at every nite.

however, my current address has nothing to do with my deep-rooted passion for upholding the constitution, the bill of rights and preservation of choice, and maintenance of health freedoms.

third, my position in my postings have purely been about presenting information from differing viewpoints to enable our readership to make educated decisions for themselves. i include my sources. if you don't agree with these experts, so be it. but leave me out of it.

and zoomer, you are right about the conspiracy. however, you are incorrect to state i'm "dictating right or wrong".

lastly, please refrain from making distracting, and your admittedly 'snide' remarks going forward. you have your guidelines on your group, and i would appreciate you adhering to the community guidelines of this site when visiting my blogs, which are:
1. Respect other members and treat them fairly. Do not slander, libel, or otherwise attack other members. Accept and offer constructive criticism graciously.
2. Always represent yourself honestly. Profile names are allowed, but deliberate impersonation of others is a breach of social network etiquette and a really bad idea.
3. Protect yourself from scammers. Rule of Thumb: If it seems too good to be true it’s probably false. Do not give your personal contact information to anyone unless you are absolutely certain of that person’s motives and integrity.
4. Recognize that differences of opinion are essential to debate and promote diversity. Disagree respectfully and try not to personalize any differences.
5. Message other members responsibly. Do not engage in spamming in any form, or hateful, threatening, or obscene messaging.
6. Make every effort to keep the community engaged in interesting content and informed debate. Do not contribute content that is overtly commercial, or in any other way degrades or compromises the integrity of the community.

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there's more at " target="_blank"">http://teebeedee.ning.com/group/communityguidelines

you can 'cherry pick' what's applicable here.

now, back on topic....how do you feel about the fact that mr obama is "fully onboard with the prospect of mass injections of inadequately tested, potentially deadly vaccines"? is that considered responsible behavior? i wonder if he'll have the vaccine. i wonder if he'll insists his girls have it, too?



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