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While millions of Americans were finishing up their holiday celebrations, the Bureau of Land Management was flying helicopters over rangeland in Nevada, trapping hundreds of wild horses and condemning many of them to live the rest of their lives in a confined "holding pen."

Express your outrage today – don't allow our iconic wild horses to be rounded up and confined in tiny pens. Support the Restoring Our American Mustangs (ROAM) Act today! »

The act of rounding up wild animals and taking them away from their free-range home is bad enough in itself, but the details are even more horrifying. The winter temperatures put the horses at risk of getting sick, the little foals have trouble keeping up and get separated from their mothers, and the fear and fast pace can cause the horses to break limbs or even get trampled to death.

The ROAM Act would emphasize fertility control, adoption and expansion of wild lands, not violent round-ups and tiny cages. These horses have run free on these lands their whole lives. It's hard to imagine how they would feel to be caged up in tiny pens after living such free and happy lives.

The act was overwhelmingly passed in the house, but it is up to the senate now to stop the damage that is being done to these beautiful creatures and their homes.

The ROAM Act offers alternatives to this cruel and inefficient series of round-ups. Sign the petition in support of the ROAM Act now! »

Thank you for helping to preserve America's living heritage.
Care2 Campaign Team

Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AFtIb/zkdg/bvG55
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Comment by Tina on January 2, 2010 at 8:05pm
As always so helpful Golanv, the earth and the spirit of the horses thank you for your efforts.
Comment by Golanv on January 2, 2010 at 7:32pm
Thank you for the link to the petition Tina. I have signed it and appreciate being reconnected to Care2. We still have wild horses in North Carolina and they are incredibly beautiful. I am glad to take a stand for them.
And here is another good site to support them. Mitakuye Oyasin. We are ALL related. All One. All Ways.
Comment by Tina on January 2, 2010 at 6:42pm
Wonderful to hear from you Michael, You make a valid and good point I think, Mother Earth, does. Thanks for the input!
Comment by Michael J Masiko on January 2, 2010 at 6:40pm
got some real 'cowboys and indians' happening here.
if a balance is not stuck soon
mother earth knows how to care for herself
her plans just might not include 'us'.
know who 'we' are?
'i' got your back.
Comment by Tina on January 2, 2010 at 6:03pm
I would again use the words of someone far wiser than I, I would propose this perhaps!There is a site above that addresses some of those answers.

Comment by Tina on January 2, 2010 at 5:44pm
As are the above FACT that while human kind wasted more dollars on booze and celebration there were real life things going on around us that are far more important to the over all survial and well being of all life and this earth. Facts are that as the human race we have over lived and over spent for decades and reality is about to hit hard. These beautiful animals are a gift to this earth, it is my feeling that it is merely the self assigned importance of the human race that causes them to think that any animal or creature of this earth belongs to their whim of destruction or salvation. Sheer arrogance in my thinking and one that is about to get a hard cold dose of it's own reality. Some day this will be for all of human kind.

There is a site above that addresses some of those answers. I personally do not know, other than to bring it to the attention of those "who care" for the earth and the life on it, which happens to include these and every animal, birds, fish and creature.

Surely I make my material contributions each year to several organizations that are desperately trying to preserve these awesome animals and spirits.

My answer, personally is that human kind needs, on this level (and oh so many levels) to take a long serious look into their greed in homes, cars, money, lifestyles ect...and begin to turn this land back to it's intended purpose. Of course as you; I express only my beliefs and thought's as well as a few facts as I find them to be.

I propose we come down off the soap boxes we have "placed ourselves on" and take care of this earth and ALL life on it for starters.
Stop ignoring the issues that are kept so well hidden by the arrogance and ignorance of society that is self destructing from lack of truth and purpose, over spending and living as though they are kings and queens of anything. This earth does NOT belong to man, man kind simply treats it as they do. This land belongs to the children that we have borrowed it from, and it nurtures and benefits all life, not just the mighty human race.
This life and land, these creatures and all others have been sorely neglected, disrespected and dishonored by human kind. Frankly, I find it a grave and ugly reality of human kind. Again, just my thought's. Thank you again Orianb
Comment by Whiny Old Bastard on January 2, 2010 at 5:11pm
I'm just stating the facts.
What do you propose that we do with them?
Comment by Tina on January 2, 2010 at 5:06pm
I would say that you express a perfect example of how human kind has abused and misused the lands of this country for the greed and growth which has long since become out of control.
In my thinking and heart, in my vision and belief we as human beings are called to care for the earth and for all it's creatures, not build them out of existence.
This of course is a wonderful response and exactly what I felt we would hear from some. Thank you Orianb,
Comment by Whiny Old Bastard on January 2, 2010 at 4:46pm
Sure, we can set them free to starve, there are simply more horses than the land can support.
FYI there are no wild horses in the americas. They are feral.
Adoption is not an option, there are over 30,000 of these feral horses now penned and no one wants them, hell, they cant give them away, in fact people are turning horses loose every day because they can't afford to feed them.
Comment by Tina on January 2, 2010 at 3:22pm



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