TBD on Ning

Ok....Don't take me so serious...it's just how I grew up.

My father was a atheist....His wife a good Christian, as was my mother who was his first wife. He hung out with the Christian Elite using the wonderful mannerisms and kind kind words, but behind their backs he was laughing at them like he used to laugh at the Christian side of my family

I have said these things for years now, so please don't take it personal. I have learned that what a person sells himself as isn't necessarily the person at all, so I don't pay a lot of attention to the people who are selling goodness. I think I trust the people more who don't, because I don't place expectations on their kindness, but just accept who they are. So if they are not nice, I did not expect it in the first place. It just so happens that most people are nice.

I know my father lived a lie and he lived good. I have known the grumpiest people to give you the shirt off their backs....That's all i am trying to say. Good words do not make a person good......Many people talk the talk, but they DO Not walk the walk...Take a lesson from the OBama haters. I bet many of them have sent out tons of that frilly goody goody two shoes stuff on-line..Gobs and gobs of pretty pictures with the famous quotes of people on them, like they are trying to teach us a lesson by the fact that they think themselves to be of a higher morality because of their goodness....After-all...It's the fundamentalist moral majority that are sending out most of the hate....What a crying shame......Does Moral = good...Heck NO.

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Comment by caseyjo on September 7, 2009 at 10:58pm
I was on the old board when something close to lynch mob mentality went on that scared the moderators. Its a good thing all those nice people could not have reached through their computers. Someone might have gotten hurt...Most likely me for sticking up for the supposed bad person. I stuck up for her for principal sake, not because she was either good or bad. The person had a feeling and expressed it...Good or bad, it was only a feeling. Good people went off their rockers. That is what I am talking about.

Geez. I just don't put all my chickens in one basket anymore...I learned a long time ago not to. Gawd...That wasn't the only experience I have had...I have seen & heard tons of things from childhood....I do not judge people based on words because I see in-between the lines to the lynch mobs when certain people don't get what they want. I guess I am not very trusting , but I have never blocked or dropped a friend on these boards for saying things I disagree with and I have a open blog here. I got really beat up on when I came here by the good ones also, to the point I was told I was a enemy of the cross because I am agnostic.

Remember on the old TBD when people were using smiley faces on serious posts to hurt people. Those were people who consider themselves to be the righteous, the moral.
Comment by caseyjo on September 7, 2009 at 10:24pm
Daggers meaning sharp words...Thats all.
Comment by Orianb on September 7, 2009 at 9:27am
Does moral = good...yeah it kind of does.
Does piety = good..nope
Does sitting in a pew on Sunday = good...not on your life.
Some of the most amoral people that I have ever known were the religious . Some of the most moral, were people who never darkened the door of a Church.
Comment by caseyjo on September 6, 2009 at 11:54pm
OK...This is it...sorry I am running the board here...This is my last post for now...Then I think I need a little break to just e-mail friends and just be nice for a change......I feel like that that actor from Seinfeld who was on stage when a bunch of people came in making a bunch of noise and he said some dumb stuff, and the more he said the deeper he dug himself into a hole. You could see the blood drain right from his face as he dug himself in deeper and deeper. Well, that's how I feel...Like the kid at the beach who dug a whole and got in and the sand filled up over his head and they had to get some big machinery to dig him out...Thats what I have done to myself where my friend is concerned...woes me.....She is probably better off taking me off, because I have a tough way about me and I would most likely hurt her feelings again...just for the record though.....Well, guess I don't have those words either...Good night all..sleep tight.....K
Comment by caseyjo on September 6, 2009 at 10:50pm
BTW...I am not the one with picket signs, screaming the president is the devil and talking about offing him in the bleachers am I? You know the hatred that is spewing out there. It is very scary and I have actually said very little about it, because politics is not my subject. The whole country feels the hate. I hear good Christian people saying every day how ashamed they are of the terrible hatred brewing in this country. I would do anything to change the atmosphere, even vote republican if it would help to bring love to the world.
Comment by caseyjo on September 6, 2009 at 10:29pm
oops..goofed. Anyway I move around a lot. unlike you who likes to argue religion with people ALL THE TIME. I do not find it interesting anymore. What I remember you telling me was how the goodie two shoes I was hanging out with weren't so sweet after all....How I would eventually see their daggers come out. Of course I cant quote you word for word, but you were trying to warn me that the goodies were not so good....remember?

Well, since then I have lost a friend. I really like this girl, but she has taken me off her friend list. This odd post was actually a apology in discuise I guess. I just want her to know that my prior blogs were not pointed at her, but my feeling have a lot to do with the things I went through in my young life......I have said this so many times Judy...I am not proclaiming to be anyone superior or better than anyone else. I am no better and I am no worse than any other person on the planet earth. We all talk, stick our feet in our mouth....All those traits you mention above...Yes, Judi I have them all....don't we all? I just want my friend to understand my blogs are not personal. These are not new feelings of mine, just brought up to hurt her.

I think we have had this conversation before Judi over the same thing I said on the old board about people talking the talk, but not walking the walk remember? Tell my friend this is nothing new OK....Shes a nice person and I don't want to lose her as a friend...BTW....Hi Judi...IT is really nice to see you. I have not forgotten you once tried to befriend me when I was brand new to TBD...Tried to teach me the ropes and told me not to give up...remember? Well, I'm not giving up.
Comment by caseyjo on September 6, 2009 at 10:06pm
Funny you say this Judi because I got this from you. I totally remember when I told you on the old board that I visited many groups (not unlike you who seems to want to
Comment by Judi on September 6, 2009 at 9:56pm
The Bible is very clear about this, (e.g., Mathew 23:28 "So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." and Matthew 15:11 "It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.").

At least you have the freedom to be hatin' on others, too. I wish I could wish you well on these endeavors, but what you are doing here is no better than the people whom you are judging and castigating on your blog. It would be interesting to know what your motives are for doing this . . . anger, hate, frustration, vindictiveness? It just couldn't be good, IMO.



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