TBD on Ning

I can't help it! I think everybody has gone crazy! Well, not really everybody, but I think you'll get the picture as you read this post. First there's the whole health care reform frenzy/paranoia/craziness! Here are two quotes from friends of facebook that say a lot:

"When parents cant afford or have no desire to send their children to private schools, the most common "option" is to send them to public school, Yet no one screams "socialized education"
" No one should die because they cannot afford healthcare, and no one should go broke because they get sick. If you agree, please post this as your status for the rest of the day."

And then of course there's the new craziness about President Obama's speech to the schoolchildren of America. God forbid that the President of the United States should make a speech to schoolchildren about the value of staying in school and working hard! Of course, no one said a word in the past when Bush and other presidents did exactly the same kind of thing. Here's a good commentary on that issue:

All of this conservative, fundamentalist, Republican nonsense is going to tear this country down, piece by piece. Whatever happened to respect for the president and being good losers, folks? A democrat WON the election. The majority of the people in the United States elected him. Now back off and let him try to do his job! And stop making us look foolish to the rest of the world!

Sorry if this offends any of my conservative friends, but it's how I feel! And I'm offended by all of this nonsense!

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Comment by Tina on September 6, 2009 at 2:54am

I prefer to just go crazy!
Comment by Kathie on September 5, 2009 at 7:57pm
Was it "non-violent communication"? I think that was it or something close anyway. And thanks for all the kind words, Jo. Right back at ya! :-)
Comment by Jo Lewis on September 5, 2009 at 9:41am
Love right back at you, Tina. Kathie and I go back a while - we joke that we were twins separated at birth. We are mutual admirers of one another and as much as we love one another we always try to respect the other even more. I have learned so much from her and I hope she has from me. I consider her to be one of the smartest people I know. That's why there is NEVER any mud slung between us. We are not so consumed with our own positions that we become angry and are unable to respect the others positions. And we really do try to practice gentle speak, though at times we may fall short, we keep trying. It is not enough to admire the teachings of Christ, Ghandi, Dali Lhama and so many others - we must try daily to put those teachings into our actions and words. Otherwise their words simply become fodder for posters used to cover an ugly stain on the wall and nothing more. There never will be mud slinging and angry words directed at any one here. If that is what one wishes to do, go somewhere else and start an "angry & mean" blog; I might even join that one, as I am not perfect, I do get angry, but I TRY to temper my words and thank God He gave us the "EDIT" button!
Kathie's group is called "The Golden Rule" for a reason as a place where we can ALL feel safe speaking our minds and we must all always keep that in mind when discussing/responding to any topic or any person. Kathie's initial comment requested comments from us - not just "only if you agree with what I'm saying" which is great, too - we all need affirmation - but she said, "any comments?" I'm sure she must've cringed a little when she saw my name pop up on the comments list- bwahaha!! But, being the great person that she is, she responded back to me with love and respect - and maybe just a little spanking! };-> That is why I feel safe to speak my mind with her, even when we totally do not agree with one another, as I hope we all feel with her and each other.
Temper our words and comments with love and visualize the face of the person we admire most in our lives on the face of the one('s) we are speaking to- for me it is Christ. Keeps us humble.
I do want to give credit to Mary Snowden, for her discussions on the old TBD on the subject of gentle speak - help me out here, people, I can't remember the name of the discussion! I did not agree with much of Mary's spiritual belief system, but I respected her and learned a great deal from her and we never spoke crossly to one another. Thanks, Mary.
And thank you, Kathie, for continuing your wonderful and safe group here.
And, Tina, GO GIRLS! is exactly right. While I think it's wonderful we have elected a black man as our President, ain't nothin' going to go right until we get a WOMAN in there!
Peace and Love,
Comment by Tina on September 5, 2009 at 1:05am
I love you ladies, now this to me is a wonderful and rational debate that people can express, receive and take from. And no mud yet imagine, how ever did you manage without the mud? It remains a mystery....LoL

Comment by Jo Lewis on September 4, 2009 at 5:45pm
That's my Girl! Sorry if I misread, but as usual, we both agree that the fighting must stop. Let's just not react or respond to the single minded of purpose, one sided, anger spewing fanatics. That's what fuels them. After a while, they'll get tired and fade away. Let's all ignore them and concentrate on those of us trying to do the right thing for all. That'll really piss 'em off!
When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS. Ghandi
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves. Ghandi
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress. Ghandi
Peace and Love,
Comment by Kathie on September 4, 2009 at 4:11pm
I'm sorry if I upset you, Jo, but maybe you need to re-read what I wrote. I imagine this is the sentence that got to you -- "All of this conservative, fundamentalist, Republican nonsense is going to tear this country down, piece by piece." I DID NOT say that all conservative, fundamentalist, Republicans were tearing this country down. I said the conservative, fundamentalist Republican nonsense that was being spewed (by some) was tearing this country down. And I agree 100% with your statements that we should all stop fighting. Unfortunately, since the President is a Democrat, it is for the most part Republicans (not all, some Republicans, and especially the Republican Party) who are fighting him tooth and nail, rather than listening and trying to work with him to fix some very big problems in this country. I'm not saying go all out, accept everything he says completely, I'm just saying stop fighting him on every single point of every single thing. And I'm only talking to the "crazies" out there, Republicans, Democrats, Christians, Atheists, whomever! We HAVE to work together, not against each other. And I still say, it is RIDICULOUS to try to censor the President of the United States when he wants to talk to the schoolchildren of America about staying in school and working hard. He is a great role model for some of the kids in this country who are in the direst need of good role models.

Yes, I still love you. We can disagree but still manage to be friends, because WE are NOT part of the "crazy" crowd! Right? Right!

Definitely LOVE & PEACE,
Comment by Jo Lewis on September 4, 2009 at 3:55pm
HI, sweetie. Calm down, take a deep breath or two and relax. No, every one has not gone crazy. You're okay, I'm okay. You know me, I am pretty right-wing, conservative, and a Christian - OH, THE HORROR! };->but I always try to take a middle of the road approach on most issues, gleaning info from both sides. There are and always have been from the dawn of man, fanatics on all levels. I have heard many dem's spew just as much venom and vile as I have heard repub's spew. It's not exclusive to one group.
I remember, during the election process, receiving a forwarded email from a beloved democrat friend, urging all democrats to send money to Planned Parenthood under the name of John McCain and Sara Palin and to forward the email on to every one on my list. That person admitted to knowing it was not a very nice thing to do, but thought it would be a hoot. While I found this to be offensive on so many levels, I did not rant nor rave nor take any one to task, I simply deleted it, never discussed it with that person or any one and moved on. Since I have so many friends that are democrats and republicans, I try not to get swept up in the insanity being perpetrated by BOTH sides. I have been asking, and will continue to do so, that every one take a deep breath, relax and that we come together as human beings, not republicans, democrats, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, straight, gay whatever, but as human beings. Scientists are proving that we are ALL RELATED. ALL of you are my brothers and sisters (don't make me as your sis come slap the crap out of any of you - cause I'll do it - you know I will!lol). Politicians for the most part are self-serving despite any argument to the contrary - the days of Mr. Smith are gone, probably forever. They are most happy when we are fighting and tearing each other apart arguing over who is better or worse, responsible or not for the atrocity of the day and days past and who did what to whom at any given point in time. Keeps our eyes and minds off of them and the lousy jobs they are doing. STOP IT! There is enough blame to go around for ALL! STOP IT! Each and every one of us STOP IT!
We need to remember to respond not react. Investigate to the fullest both sides of each and every issue that causes us the knee-jerk reaction of anger. These are extremely complicated issues in extremely difficult times, every one is on edge, but if we are going to speak out we need to be well informed, not just loyal to a party or person. We all apparently have enough time to be chatting it up on computers, we need to try doing extensive research for part of that time. If nothing else, it will be good for our brain synapses. :-)
Each political party that loses, through out history, is consumed with sour grapes and mud slinging - why is this time so different? Should Mr. Obama be above reproach because he is the first Black President? I don't believe so. Yes, he was elected by the majority but do I believe he is the new JFK - absolutely not! Do I believe he is the Messiah - absolutely not! I am working very hard at being a good American citizen and respecting and supporting the choice of the people and the new President. I have stood behind many Presidents I did not vote for. If I am ever so enraged that I find I cannot support our President, I have the right to leave the country - that is every persons choice and right. So far, I've not found the need to do so and I hope I never will.
I will not, however, give respect and support to any President that does not honor, support, protect and defend our constitution and our country. That is MY right as an American and a human being. Despite our many flaws, mistakes and problems, this is still the best country in the world to live in - in my opinion. All of you, of course, are entitled to yours. But I say to those that dislike our country, feel free to leave at any time and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Move to a country that will be more to your liking instead of trying to completely change this one. We tried that once before and ended up with a thing called slavery and discrimination, something we have been working on rectifying, not always doing a great job, but trying. Go to almost any other country on the planet and try to say and do the things we take for granted every day as our right to do here - go head, see how far it gets you. Caning, flogging and beheading come to mind.
So, rather than completely self destruct this country and turn into something it was never meant to be - STOP FIGHTING! Reach out and across to one another and let the politicians, yes, even Mr. Obama, know that we will no longer stand for business as usual. They work for us and we are going to start playing nice, respecting one another and working out viable solutions that encompass every one, not just a select few. They had better figure out how to do it, too.
I love you dearly, Kathie, I always have and always will, but you hurt my feelings as well when you come out with blanket statements that throw ALL republicans and Christians into the same "crazy pot" and stir up even more people that are already stirred up and some at the breaking point. I do not do that to you, your political beliefs or your religious beliefs. I don't do that with any of my friends, even though we strongly disagree with one another. It only serves to further inflame every one on all sides. If something upsets you and every one along these lines, just discuss it openly and honestly without inflammatory rhetoric.
I greatly admire you and I think and I have always tried to reach out and learn from you, but that does not mean I have to agree with and adopt every belief you or any one else may have. I do try to glean what I think is good and right from every one and every thing. We are individuals so no two people will ever see exactly eye to eye, but instead of wasting all this energy on being angry at one another, let's all try to lay down our bags of mud and shit and just start talking. So many people - my self as well - discuss how wonderful Ghandi was and the Dali Lhama is - then try putting their principles into practice and do not allow ourselves to become so riled up by what another says. Imagine making these types of statements to them. All of you know how you would be received by the very men so many claim to so greatly admire. I am not telling you or anyone that you do not have a right to voice your own opinions, we all just need to try to work on a more gentler form of communication . What was that group that Mary had on TBD about gentle communication? It made an impact on me and I know it did on you as well.
I love you and hope you still love me. Just please remember that as passionate as you are about your beliefs, I am the same about mine.
Peace AND Love,
Comment by Baia on September 4, 2009 at 2:49pm
Nothing screams "stubborn ignorance" like stubborn ignorance. Looking foolish to the rest of the world is not something these people even care about. They believe the rest of the world is living in some kind of hell hole.
Comment by Tina on September 4, 2009 at 10:06am
I agree 100%, Kathie, I have been posting it for two weeks. 100%



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