TBD on Ning

Its now official. I'm a racist. No less than a former president of the United States has declared that if I oppose the takeover of 17% of our economy under the guise of health care reform, I hate black people.

According to President Carter, U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson's objection to a 'misstatement' in President Obama's speech to Congress last week was an act "based on racism" and rooted in fears of a black president. And a Rasmussen survey shows that fully 12% of Americans agree with him.

The old media has chimed in, with the left's favorite columnist, Maureen Dowd, going a step further. Rep. Joe Wilson said, "You lie' to Obama. But Maureen Dowd heard, "You lie, boy." Boy being one of the many politically incorrect words the left has decided is an indicator of racism. Point made. Case closed.

Another columnist, E. Danielle Egan, has joined the growing chorus. In the Philadelphia Enquirer, Egan blithely dismissed the app. 2 million protestors who turned out last weekend to protest Obama's policies, writing them off as illegitimate. "So I have decided it's time that what I've been watching be called what I believe it is: racism." She continues, "The level of rage being expressed is different and out of sync with what we know from the past." I guess she was visiting Atlantis during the Bush years, or something.

And just in case anyone has missed the point, ABC has devoted a full story to the racist motives of the Obama protestors.

So there. The media and political elite have spoken. Any opposition to Obama means the protestor is a bad person. A person unable to see beyond the color of his skin. A racist. (Isn't that called profiling?)

Conveniently for these elites, they have also decided that responding to ignorant racists is quite beneath them. Being a racist is bad, therefore there is absolutely no need to respond to the underlying complaint. Whew.

This is the ultimate free pass. It almost makes me wish I had been born black. Then I could make any claims I want, without any facts to back them up, and still maintain the moral high ground. I could blame every bad decision I ever made on racism and, best of all, put my opponents in the impossible situation of trying to prove a negative.

I would gain membership in the ever growing class of 'victims', which automatically grants me immunity from the normal rules of civilized behavior.

The fact that Joe Wilson was quite correct in branding Obama a liar is not the point. By diverting the issue to racial animus, Obama's 'misstatement' is conveniently overlooked. This is called a win-win situation.

Wilson's audacity in branding Obama a liar has caused a national firestorm. The left is in high dudgeon, quickly spinning the truth of Wilson's (admittedly disrespectful) assertion into a condemnation of his integrity, topping it off with the unprecedented act of issuing a formal rebuke from the House. Bad boy! (Can I say that?)

Not mentioned in this national brou haha is Sen Reid's Dec 15, 2004 statement, where he called called President Bush a liar. "President Bush is a liar. He betrayed Nevada and he betrayed the country."

I guess its OK to call white guys liars. Even when they can't come up with any specific lie. Its just something everyone knows. Bush lied. Strangely enough, I've never been taken up on my challenge to pay $100.00 to anyone who can cite a specific lie that Bush told. I digress.

Also not included in the conversation the left is successfully controlling, is President Obama's statement last week branding Kanye West a jackass. But, hey, West is black...this is starting to get confusing.

I'm in awe of the left. Though they have admitted not knowing the details of the 1,000 plus pages of the Obama health care 'reform', they have managed to divine what is in my heart. And the hearts of millions of others. And it's called racism.

Despite having elected a black president, the left would have us believe that the millions of whites who voted for Obama still hate black people. They would have us believe that, even though we can't see it, racism is still a dominant force in America. Its just evolved into the silent 'institutional' kind of racism that no one can quantify. But its still there. I guess we just have to take their word for it. If we dare question their premise, we're racists. Game, set and match.

Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for RightBias.com
She lives in South Carolina

Views: 14

Tags: Carter, Obama, racism


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Comment by Nancy Morgan on September 20, 2009 at 11:00am
Obviously, Bush thought he was doing a good job. It was only later that the magnitude of the screweup became known. A lie is a statement meant to decieve... How do you know Brown wasn't doing a good job? How do you know Bush actually knew Brown wasn;t doing a good job.
Come on - you know all this sdtuff. Let's hear a LIE - not a statement made in good faith which may have relied on bad intel.
Comment by Snagg on September 20, 2009 at 10:52am
"Still waiting for the details of Bush's lie.... "

Oh, Okay then.
Bush told Michael Brown, as Brown was bungling the relief efforts in New Orleans after Katrina, the he was "doing a heck of a job."

So, which is it - Was Bush lying, or was he simply as big a moron as was Brown ? It can be both, of course, but it has to be at least one or the other.
Comment by Greg Wilson on September 20, 2009 at 3:19am
Yeah, there's no doubt that that happens. The Rev Wright incident, the Henry Gates thing, etc, etc.Okay. Changing the mood here. ALL human beings are bigoted about something.

Racism has existed throughout human history, why is that so hard? And it doesn't mean that you or I are and it certainly has nothing to do with what I think of Obama. I have no idea why you typed all that and who you were trying to convince of what. It's pretty simple stuff.

Now why are they using the card Snagg? It will come to you....
Comment by Nancy Morgan on September 20, 2009 at 1:36am
Still waiting for the details of Bush's lie....
Comment by Snagg on September 19, 2009 at 3:37pm
Yep, that's about the level of integrity that I was expecting from you.

Let's check the facts, shall we? :

"Strangely enough, I've never been taken up on my challenge to pay $100.00 to anyone who can cite a specific lie that Bush told."

Per the average neocon, I'm not surprised when you start fudging the rules after things aren't working out the way you wanted them too...

"BTW: Just cause everyone says its so doesn't make it so."

Funny. That doesn't seem to apply when you guys are running around claiming that Obama is from Mars and eats baby spiders.
Comment by Nancy Morgan on September 19, 2009 at 2:43pm
The 100 bucks is for proof that Bush lied. You haven't provided any.
BTW: Just cause everyone says its so doesn't make it so
Comment by Snagg on September 19, 2009 at 7:04am
"Would you agree that alot of today's racism comes from blacks stereotyping whites?"

"Well it's alive and kicking here too Snagg. Hec, I work with. To boot, they are open about it (or was :) And they are part of the left and they did vote for Obama. Now who could I be talking about?"

What, are you two trying to find a way to validate your own viewpoints ? Are you trying to put words in black people's mouths ? Playing on the obvious vulgarity of black people suggesting that "Whites are bigoted against us, so it's only right if we're bigoted against them ?"

Yeah, there's no doubt that that happens. The Rev Wright incident, the Henry Gates thing, etc, etc. Doesn't mean that ALL blacks are engaging in "reactive" racism against white people, though. Just the ones that you'd like to use to conveniently excuse white-against-black-racism.
I have recently begun receiving e-mails from a gang of people with whom I attended high school thirty-five years ago, and they are apparently under the impression that I've sunk as far down the moral ladder as they have, and that I automatically share their beliefs, ideas and outlooks just because we went to the same school together. They pass along a fair amount of the kind of rancid, recycled, race-baiting, "He's-Not-Like-Us-DECENT-Folk" e-mails quoting "The Bible", senators, congressmen and various right-wing commentators "proving" that Health Care Reform is just another way that sneaky, dirty black people are trying to get revenge on us white devils for slavery. The hysterical, blind-ignorant bullshit that is being circulated in this campaign against Obama's cause is SATURATED with racism, it's no different from the bullshit that was spread against him during the presidential campaign, and for you to dismiss or downplay that fact with sniffty "I'M certainly not like that" lofty disregard is coy, cheap and flat-out disingenuous. Conservative pundits have deliberately fanned these flames, and are now whining and bitching when they are getting singed. You, Ms. Morgan, are NOT the victim here.

Or...Were you trying to lump the black-against-white racism in with ALL racism, in a kind of gigantic slimeball of ignorance, anger and revenge, as a nauseating example of the worst-of-the-worst possibilities of the human cesspool ? As an easy way to elevate yourself "above" something like that, as who in their right mind would approve of that kind of depravity ? "That "Racism" stuff...Tsk, tsk....Sure is nasty, ain't it ?"
Pretty handy to have available, though, when you need something to steer attention away from a bigger or more immediate issue.....like Health Care reform, or rewriting the tax codes.

Okay. Changing the mood here. ALL human beings are bigoted about something. I myself am not too crazy about self-serving millionaire loudmouth redneck drug-sucking hypocrite right-wing blowhards who knowingly distort facts, the words of others and even their own prior statements in order to keep raking in the cash by preaching their cheap vaudeville to the choir. You can even lose the "millionaire" and "drug-sucking" parts of that description, and you'd still be well within the job description.
But I don't hate them just for their skin color. THAT really would be sinking to their level.

All in all, I'd say I'm opposed to any kind of dehumanizing tactic that grants power to one person or societal class at the expense of another. But what I find far more disgusting are those who would exploit those degenerate institutions as a cheap, cynical method of furthering their own careers in politics, religion or the media..

Now...Where's my friggin' hundred dollars ? Or are you gonna try and claim that you're too strapped for cash in Age of the Obama Socialist Collective to be bothered with something as trivial as Honoring Your Word ?
Comment by Greg Wilson on September 19, 2009 at 2:45am
Well it's alive and kicking here too Snagg. Hec, I work with. To boot, they are open about it (or was :) And they are part of the left and they did vote for Obama. Now who could I be talking about?

And your analogy? I could have used that....
Comment by Nancy Morgan on September 19, 2009 at 2:39am
Would you agree that alot of today's racism comes from blacks stereotyping whites?
Comment by Snagg on September 18, 2009 at 4:08pm
"How do you know those criticisms are not motivated by racism? "

I Don't. Only those doing the criticizing truly know.
But as most of the criticisms of Thomas' rulings focus on his distinct bias in favor corporations, the ignoring of American's civil rights and his favoritism towards the Republican party, it seems likely that "racism" is NOT the "true" source of complaints about Thomas - It's his bald-faced partisan conservatism that so angers his detractors, the way he casually allows current political winds to affect his judgments.

In fact, I've been looking at your question for a while now, and the longer I turn it over in my head, the more it seems to be facetious. As Thomas draws about 90% of his fire from liberals, the people most likely to fight against racism...Then how could racism be one of their motivations?

(And I don't wanna hear anybody whining that that sounds like a "baseless stereotype". I live in Central Illinois, and racism is quite alive and kicking here. Believe That. And it sure as hell ain't the Left scrawling it on car windows, spray painting it on black churches, mosques and synagogues or hanging "playful" nooses over the desks of black employees.)



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