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Nancy Morgan's Blog (11)

Gender: Optional

Joseph Romero, a 6 year-old Arizona boy, was diagnosed as transgender last October and is beginning his/her transition to becoming a female. When he/she reaches the age of 12, he will be given female hormones containing estrogen and plans to undergo surgery when she is an adult in order to become a full woman.

In the UK last September, a 12 year-old boy turned up at school as a girl. Over the summer holidays his parents changed his name to a female one and allowed him to don female… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on February 13, 2010 at 3:19am — 13 Comments

White Racism

Although I didn't vote for Barack Obama, I welcomed the election of a black man to America's highest office. I assumed his election signaled that white America had finally atoned for the sin of slavery. I assumed that Martin Luther King's dream of judging a man by the content of his character instead of the color of his skin had become a reality.

No more would I have to spend my life proving a negative, as in 'I am not a racist.' No more would I have to automatically lower my voice… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on February 8, 2010 at 2:24am — 19 Comments

You Can't Say That!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been caught in a firestorm that appears likely to undermine his political viability. His sin? He was actually caught telling the truth. Gasp.

Harry's problem stems from the fact that certain truths are no longer allowed to be uttered in the public square. As former Harvard president Lawrence Summers found out in 2005 when he dared to point out that men and women had differing proclivities for math and science.

That factual comment was… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on January 12, 2010 at 3:26am — No Comments

Uncle Obama's Extortion Racket

Uncle Obama has gotten ahold of your credit card. And he's amassing charges on it that - you - not he - are liable for. You can call the fraud line, you can call the police, you can call any politician or government agency, and they will all tell you the same thing. Shut up and pay up.

Since misery loves company, you might feel better knowing that you're not the only one being extorted. Uncle Obama and his buddies have the credit and debit cards of every man woman and child in… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on December 18, 2009 at 3:04am — 2 Comments

What Has Obama Accomplished?

Making the rounds of conservative talk shows lately is the question, "What has Obama accomplished so far?" The question is asked of of Obama supporters and the answers range from 'abolishing lobbyists' to 'securing world peace' to 'lowering taxes.'

One thing all answers have in common: They are all grounded in perception as opposed to reality.

Obama has accomplished the amazing feat of convincing millions of Americans that black is white, that cold is hot, that the bad… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on December 11, 2009 at 6:58am — 8 Comments

America's Great Leap Forward

Those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

When Barack Obama was campaigning for president in 2007, his backers frequently compared him to former president John F. Kennedy. After a year in office, however, President Obama's words and actions align more closely with China's despotic Chairman Mao than with JFK's.

When Mao Tse Tung conquered China in 1949, his secret goal was to dominate the world. When Obama was elected President, many started… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on December 4, 2009 at 4:28am — 27 Comments

Headed Towards Defeat In Afghanistan

The Obama administration is headed down the irrevocable path to defeat in Afghanistan, and appears to be waving the white flag in the global 'war on terror.'

It has now been more than seven long weeks since the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley A. McChrystal, reported on the desperate need for more troops in Afghanistan, warning that defeating the insurgents will not be possible if the United States fails to "gain the initiative and reverse insurgent… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on November 11, 2009 at 2:15am — 6 Comments

Color Me Racist

Its now official. I'm a racist. No less than a former president of the United States has declared that if I oppose the takeover of 17% of our economy under the guise of health care reform, I hate black people.

According to President Carter, U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson's objection to a 'misstatement' in President Obama's speech to Congress last week was an act "based on racism" and rooted in fears of a black president. And a Rasmussen survey shows that fully 12% of Americans agree with… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on September 17, 2009 at 3:11am — 22 Comments

Thank-You, Fox News

Thank-you, Fox News. Thank you for reporting the news other networks ignore. Thanks for not condescending to the great unwashed by informing us how we should think on a given subject.

Thank-you for not adopting the patronizing, elitist attitudes that have become de rigueur on most other networks. Thank-you for recognizing that Americans have the right to information from both sides of the aisle and are fully capable of making up their own minds on issues, given enough… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on August 22, 2009 at 4:24am — 7 Comments

Obama Has Saved America!

Thank God! Oops, I mean, thank Obama. The economic crisis is almost over, the 'war on terror' is a thing of the past and, by his own words, Obama and his administration have saved America from catastrophe.

President Obama used the occasion of a 1/10 of 1% drop in the nation's unemployment rate to claim both success and validation for his economic policies. He has valiantly brought America back from the brink of the economic chaos that was caused by his predecessor. But as is often… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on August 10, 2009 at 9:42am — 10 Comments

The End Of White Guilt?

Something strange is happening in America. For the first time, a white man is standing up to a black man's charge of racism. And he is being supported by his employer. In another first, the media coverage of this event is not employing the time worn premise that only whites can be racist.

For those of you who may have missed the unrelenting 24/7 media coverage of the latest racial tempest in a teapot, the basic facts: A white policeman in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on the alert for 2… Continue

Added by Nancy Morgan on July 28, 2009 at 3:38am — 3 Comments



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