TBD on Ning

U.S. House & Senate have voted themselves $4,700 and $5,300 raises.

• They voted to not give you a S.S. Cost of living raise in 2010 and 2011.
• Your Medicare premiums will go up $285.60 for the 2-years and you will not get the 3% COLA: $660/yr. Your total 2-yr loss and cost is -$1,600 or -$3,200 for husband and wife.
• Over 2-yrs they each get $10,000

Do you feel SCREWED?

• Will they have your cost of drugs - doctor fees - local taxes - food, etc., increase? NO WAY . They have a raise and better benefits. Why care about you? You never did anything about it in the past. They think you are too stupid or don't care.
• Do you really think that Nancy, Harry, Chris, Charlie, Barnie, et al, care about you?



Amendment 28
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States."

Note: I think it should also include the office of the President. We're ALL in this together, right? ONE nation, under God.

Views: 13

Tags: 28th, ammendment


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Comment by OCNaturalDoc on January 11, 2010 at 3:21pm
pacis....you couldn't be more wrong about me when you wrote this:
"Pickleallen: To answer your question about the blogger: she simply cuts and pastes from right wing hate blogs, truth be damned."
i realize, as does the rest of the group, that you get off on being a know-it-all, but you really don't know anything about me at all. right wing hate blogs? there's no truth in that statement at all.

everyone is entitled to their opinion and thoughts. it's customary for the readership to post their opinions on blogs, but please refrain from making slanderous, disrespectful and defaming comments about me or anyone else in the group going forward.

and when are you gonna get this is not about left or right?
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on January 6, 2010 at 5:40pm
yes, they did, george. the whole thing is a big mess. greedy greedy greedy. gimme gimme gimme.
nothing one-sided here. the post mentioned nothing about party affiliation, as it's about congress as a whole.
Comment by OCNaturalDoc on January 4, 2010 at 9:45am
not make a dent? that's the kind of thinking that has put us in such a deep deficit....just a little more, and a little more --- and before you know it, we're in debt for trillions.

so, let's see....435 members of house and senate times an average of $5K equals over $2 Million. jeeze, i sure could use #2 Million. i don't know anyone who couldn't. it may not sound like much, compared to the way money has been spent in this country for decades....and now when there's a 15 Trillion health care plan on the table. $15 TRILLION! where do you suppose that money is going to come from? YOU. and to make it mandatory is ludicrous. the kinks have yet to be worked out in massachusetts on that plan, and massachusetts is above average (income, education, standard of living, etc.) compared to the rest of the country. it would be a mess if that was voted in. yes, health care needs to change, but whatever new plan needs to be carefully crafted, not thrown together to make a fantasy deadline --- mistakes cost more to fix, and rarely get fixed well, if at all.

in any event, we now have a president who has inherited a huge deficit, yet he has spent MORE money in his first 9 MONTHS in office than any other president during their full term. his wife has over 20 minions on her personal payroll to the tune of $1.5 Million, and she doesn't have a job outside of being responsible for her family. (volunteers don't get paid.) the family vacations frequently and lavishly. we pay for all of this, in addition to paying for all these bailouts, privileged private health care for those in public office (for life) and more. if you're not aware of where your tax dollars go, take a moment and google it for yourself. it's outrageous. and yet teachers are paid so little, and music programs have been taken out of schools. btw, most teachers i know spend money from their own pocket for school supplies because there's no funding for the supplies. so how are they supposed to do their job well if they don't have the proper tools to do so? lobster dinners vs textbooks for our children. what's happened to our collective consciousness?

over-spending isn't about party affiliation. it's about irresponsibility and frivolity. it sure would be refreshing if the obama administration would lead by example...tighten their own belts.

and don't get me started on nancy pelosi.
Comment by CWO3ROBBIE on January 3, 2010 at 9:57pm
Pickle, Agree with everything you said. But I do think our government is out of control. I do believe that since the only way to get reelected is to have more money to spend on campaigning than your opposition, it is very hard to elect honest representitives. Don't have a solution, and sure do not agree with the rabid right, but do think we are in real trouble.
Comment by P.A. on January 3, 2010 at 7:18pm
No I do not feel screwed. If you are going to write a blog get your facts straight. Congress can not vote themselves a raise until until there has been an election, 27th amendment. If they could it would have to be the same for both House and Senate. They did not vote to not give a COLA to those recieving Social Security. The lack of a raise was based on a 1970's law that tied COLA to the consumer price index. Since there was no inflation last year there was no increase in the cost of living.
Typical right wing scare tactics without any bases in fact.



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