As we enter 2010 we leave an era of time that we would like to hope is behind us. Greater and good things in the future to come. We look to strive for world peace and bringing prosperity to our economy so that we as a nation can grow and lead our children the future generations . We have seen how our children are being abused , attacked and killed by both the very people they call family and yes even other people non related. People disappearing all in the name of monies. A nation so troubled and ill needing both needing strength in religion something to lead them into greater understanding and wisdom , Who? we can not look to these so call celebrities that drink drug and commit crimes. We need a role models that are placed pardon the expression by supernatural means .
In times of great sorrow comes great strength and courage we lack many things as a nation here in The USA we allow many things that we call freedoms to be accepted . Many of these things are not questionable they are the very foundations being built to tear down a nation not build it up. Many of these issues are indeed the core that is igniting this battle and Holy War getting ready to be fought. Many will be brought together in a time of great despair this will occur in 2010 into 2013. We will see many things that we as people never witnessed . It will not only be a time of great revelation but a time of great cleansing. A time when the universe and earth will meet and the windows of the future and gates of time will open to all who have placed their trust and belief into something greater than mankind. We must be willing to admit that we as human beings have challenged and pushed science to the point where nations will rise against nations in the name of science nuclear, medical and enviromental our world as we know it will radically be changed and yes the supernatural will enter the scene.
People in 2010 fasten your seat belts it going to be one hell of a ride ....
Happy New Year..... Angel
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