TBD on Ning

If Gov. Palen and Donald Trump were running for Pres. which would you prefer?

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:22 AM
Subject: FW: Trump vs. Palin: who would win?

> May 6, 2011
> Poll: Given Choice Between Palin and Trump, Most Voters Choose Suicide
> Survey Spells Trouble for GOP, Pollster Says
> NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) - A new survey of likely voters indicates
> that in a hypothetical match-up between former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
> and billionaire Donald Trump, a majority would choose suicide over either
> candidate.
> The poll, conducted by the University of Minnesota's Opinion Research
> Institute, shows Mr. Trump drawing 21%, Gov. Palin 18%, and various forms of
> suicide 61%.
> "Throwing yourself in front of a speeding city bus" was the most popular
> means of suicide at 22%, with "jumping off the roof of a really tall
> building or bridge" coming in second at 17%.
> According to pollster Davis Logsdon, the surging popularity of suicide bodes
> ill for both Gov. Palin and Mr. Trump as potential presidential candidates
> in 2012.
> "It's still very early, but even at this stage of the game the prospect of
> one of those two being nominated shouldn't be making voters want to kill
> themselves in these numbers," Mr. Logsdon said.
> Reached at his home in New York City, Mr. Trump pointed out that while he
> did not do as well as suicide, he still polled higher than Gov. Palin,
> adding, "That's better than a sharp stick in the eye."
> But Mr. Logsdon was quick to throw cold water on Mr. Trump's upbeat
> assessment: "In a head-to-head match-up, a sharp stick in the eye beats
> Donald Trump by a two-to-one margin."
> Meanwhile, Gov. Palin called for the White House to release pictures of
> Osama bin Laden, arguing, "I only read books with pictures."

Tags: Palen, Trump, suicide

Views: 32

Replies to This Discussion

The bus alternative seems too painful and I'm afraid of heights.

I'm going to have to leave the country instead :-)

*sigh* The solution is SO simple. Get them together for a "debate". After the desired comedy has been harvested, run them BOTH over with a bus. Easy-Peasy.

Very good, Snagg. The resulting DVD would sell like hotcakes.

*I want to apply for the bus driver's job*

I'm gonna catch a ride w/Quinn. But not Canada, Q. No offense, B A F, but it's too frickin' cold!

How about to the airport and then, I dunno.... I hear Santiago, Chile is beautiful, & I've always wanted to be conversational in Spanish. Palen wouldn't follow, b/c she doesn't know where it is & Trump wouldn't follow b/c his ego couldn't handle being a relative unknown.

If we lived there fulltime, we'd have to more than conversational...

How about Ireland? Or the UK? Although, I am not opposed to Canada, great skiing there. And, hockey. And, Montreal. o, hell...we're going to Canada. I'll buy you an electric blanket. I wonder if they have electric snuggies?


LMAO!!! Robbie, thanks for the great laugh!!! You made my day!!!
I had already planned to go to Costa Rica if McCain won in '08. I will just pull out my old plans.
*checking UK passport.....still good!*
Me, I'm running for town council, got to stop these idiots from continuing our demise, from the grass roots level, so they don't gravitate upwards. If everyone started in their own backyard, and stayed true to their fellow man, and hard work, maybe we can collectively, make it happen again. I'll try, if it helps one working man and family. 
My son is running for city council on Saturday and does not graduate from college till August.
I'm not gonna comment until I run this by "The Island of Misfit Boys" down at the Brew-Ha tomorrow morning.




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