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Started by officerripley Nov 11, 2016.
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Started by Shadowman. Last reply by Shadowman Feb 3, 2013.
Started by Vernon Windsor. Last reply by P.A. Dec 30, 2012.
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Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 2, 2012.
Started by Scott Free. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 2, 2012.
Started by Trish. Last reply by officerripley Nov 29, 2012.
Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Nov 28, 2012.
Ah, Snagg, Yet again you jump to preprogrammed conclusions about me and what I say. You need to separate your feelings about “religion “ from your analysis of the real world.
I don’t get exited enough about nut job sects (or atheism) to study what they really believe. I don’t know that I ever heard about any statutory rape going on in the Branch Davidian compound in Waco. I may have just missed it though. Can you document such goings on there? Are you saying that if there was statutory rape going on there that it was properly punished by burning to death?
What about the comment you make about illegal guns? Can you document that there were really illegal guns there, rather than just the perfectly legal AK47’s that the news media always had a silhouette of on the screen during their reports? If they were actually documented illegal weapons, do you contend that the penalty of burning alive is proper for that offense?
So you deem me a conservative thinker in name only, presumably because I used the term “conservative thought”? If you re-read my words you’ll see that nowhere do I make the claim of being a “conservative thinker”. I comprehend what “conservative thinkers” say, and even agree with much of it, but I see myself as more of a conservative doer.
It would be really great if you would check the title of this group. You’ll see that it isn’t “Left Wing Vehement haters of the religions you don’t like”, but rather “Left Wing Politics”. If you could stop pushing your own isms so hard here, it would leave room for more political discussion.
Pac also errs, in his belief that those whose politics he fears, are only interested in bringing down the nation’s first black president. Most of us are more interested in putting into office, the nation’s second black president.
Actually, I'm not making that assumption at all (although for some, the veracity of the assumption is beyond doubt). I do agree with you that Barack Obama and the manner he has been treated by some, are a special case, although I really didn't expect any different. I've lived in this country for all of life, after all.
Clearly, there are times to defend oneself and to fight vigorously against injustice or poor treatment. Seeking real understanding however, is rarely one of those times. The necessity of placing ones opponent as "the other" does not usually facilitate the listening and reflection necessary to deeply understand a point of view not your own. Of course, one can't always be in such a centered place, and there are times when it is inappropriate, but name calling, and flinging insults certainly makes it less likely that a given point will be listened to with a goal toward understanding or reflection, however satisfying it may be to our two year-old selves.
As far as racism goes, it has been my contention for years that racism persists, in large measure, because those who perpetrate it, rarely understand it fully, nor do they understand their significant part in it. Obviously many do, but most do not. They are forever convincing themselves that they are blameless and innocent of the charge, when clearly they are not. Barack Obama knew what he might be walking into when he ran for the presidency. I doubt if the bulk of the American people knew—many seem actually shocked at the behavior of their friends and neighbors. Funny that.
My goal was not to "stop the nastiness." After all, I've know you guys too long to have any hope of doing that. Rather, I hoped you would at least listen to the link I provided, as I felt it provided a way to approach and actually hear the concerns of people who might well disagree with you (whoever you are). The scared, the dug-in, the extremists, and those who like to argue for sport, will never change. Other more reasonable people just might.
There is a hunger for real and constructive dialogue in this country, rather than cock fighting. The only way that is going to happen is when the people, so engaged, have the tools and the skills to accomplish it, at least that's my opinion. Clearly, a large portion of the population lacks these skills, and likely a majority of those have no interest in acquiring them. That's okay, but that's not who I was talking to. Just to clarify.
As for your video, Bates - Yeah, right.
The Branch Davidians were killed for simply "disgreeing" with the government - Not for committing statutory rape, nor for stockpiling illegal weapons, not for doing all the inhuman, perverted things to frightened, brainwashed children that "Conservative Thinkers" used to recognize as crimes when they saw 'em. You really are flapping your gums in the wind on this one, Bates.
Again, Bates - I was RAISED by "conservative thought" - I was SURROUNDED by it, and I got to see and hear it in action on a daily basis. It's how I learned to read between it's jagged, crazy-quilt lines.
Listening to self-proclaimed "morally superior" people (who couldn't find a set of ethics if it was strapped to their asses) bitch and back-stab each other, using bizarre, utterly specious "logic" to pick apart other people's stupid, transparently ridiculous ideas, and then strut around as if they'd accomplished something important by being DUMBER than their opponents, was a valuable primer in dealing with the asinine "thought processes" of the classic American bible-thumper, AKA ignarus vulgaris baro.
You are a "conservative thinker" in name only, Bates. "Conservative thinkers" before you at least recognized the value of honest facts and compromise, and grasped the concept of "The Greater Good" as meaning EVERYBODY, not just the people who might vote for them - Or those who pay them handsomely to lie to the people whom they wish would vote for them. "Conservative Thinkers" before you didn't idealize repellant habits like arrogance, bigotry, greed, devisiveness-for-it's-own-sake and winning dirty.
"Conservative Thinkers" USED to be aware that there was a lot more at stake than just getting themselves re-elected.
JEFFERSON CITY, MO (The Borowitz Report) – A rabid Doberman Pinscher jumped on stage at a Tea Party rally in Missouri on Labor Day and barked at the crowd for nearly twenty minutes before people realized he was not a candidate.
The dog, later identified by its owner as “Mister Buster,” held the crowd spellbound as he barked, growled, and frothed at the mouth, eventually receiving a standing ovation for his exertions.
Gwendolene Thomason, 42, a Tea Party supporter from Jefferson City, was one of the hundreds on hand who were convinced that the Doberman was a Tea Party candidate until he was outed as a dog.
“I liked what he had to say,” she said. ”He reminded me of Glenn Beck, only furrier.”
The Doberman’s canine identity finally became clear when he lunged at a man in the front row and wrested a hamburger from his right hand, taking two of the man’s fingers with it.
While the discovery that Mister Buster was not a Tea Party candidate disappointed many in attendance, Ms. Thomason held out hope that, dog or no, he might consider running for office at some point.
“I liked the way he bit off that guy’s hand, and the way he did his business in the middle of the stage,” she said. ”We need more of that in Washington.”
Ah, Maxine, what would we do without you to warn us?
What media bias?
Why am I not surprised that NBC couldn’t even bring themselves to say, that it was Marco Rubio who caught Nancy Reagan when she tripped yesterday, saving her from possible serious injury? It’s biased reporting like this that is costing them so much market share. I’m sure that they recognize the problem that’s costing them so much by now, but they just can’t stop themselves. It’s sad to see what used to be a professional organization letting their ethics rot on the vine in public view.
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