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Started by officerripley Nov 11, 2016.
Started by Shadowman Mar 27, 2013.
Started by Shadowman. Last reply by Shadowman Feb 3, 2013.
Started by Vernon Windsor. Last reply by P.A. Dec 30, 2012.
Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 10, 2012.
Started by Trish. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 3, 2012.
Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 2, 2012.
Started by Scott Free. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 2, 2012.
Started by Trish. Last reply by officerripley Nov 29, 2012.
Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Nov 28, 2012.
Riiiiiiiiiiight, Larry - "Discuss politics rationally".
Heh. An evangelistic christian who gets his facts from the old testament and the World News Daily, a guy who runs away every time he's given the chance to explain his obtuse, solipsistic declarations - Advocating "rational" discussion.
Like I said - Clueless, as ever.
Like I said, Snagg, stuff you disagree with. There is no such thing as “right wing scripture” you’re just muddling together and letting your fear of religion invade your ability to discuss politics rationally.
Clueless, as ever.
The right-wing scripture I spoke of, Bates, is not just the way you bend a cranky knee to your god of choice - It's the litany of "If It's Not Like Me, It's WRONG" - Be the "It" islam, liberalism, the separation of church and state, progress, the demand that greed and selfishness be not the ruling ethos of this country, the concept that ideas and beliefs different from yours can still hold legitimacy, the common-sense realization that FOXNews and the WND are stone-cold LIARS, the obvious-to-all-but-you fact that just because you're "right-wing", that's no guarantee that you're "right" about one single goddamn thing in the world, and - Most importantly - That you're not ANYWHERE near as holy and clean and good as you desperately believe yourself to be.
Because, Larry, if you really were as special and saved and The Chosen of God that you constantly need to remind us you are....You wouldn't NEED to remind us.
I don't fear your religion, Bates, because it's already got more fear in it than it knows what to do with - Your religion, your entire culture itself is BASED on fear - Fear of death, fear that you won't really be going to heaven, fear of people not like you, fear that nobody's afraid of you or your bullshit, fear that most Americans are laughing at you, not with you, fear that your treasured, phony belief system will wither and crumble and go the way of the unicorn and the Easter Bunny and other blatantly false superstitious drivel. Fear that the people you sneer at, and not your imaginary god, people with neither fear or regard for your delusions, will one day hold you responsible for your hate, your arrogance, your smug, petty parochialism and your empty admiration of yourself.
I've been around your brand of belief, Bates, for over 50 years, and I've never seen any other people living in such sweaty FEAR, 24-hours-a-goddamn-day, as far right-wing American conservatives. Fear so great that you've convinced yourself that craven fear is a POSITIVE attribute, pants-shitting horror at a world that laughs at you is a GOOD thing,and constant, grinding terror at what MIGHT come sneaking in the night or screaming out of the sky to end your worthless lives is the mark of a morally advanced, "special" person .
I've said this elsewhere, Larry, and it very, very much applies to you: The attacks on 9/11 WORKED - In as much as they struck TERROR into your heart and the hearts of people like you. You've been stuck there for ten years, and you think that anybody who won't stay in your shithole of fear with you, who moves onward and upward, is the crazy one, the Bad Guy, the enemy of America, the hellbound and the sinner.
Only somebody who is so used to living in fear that they can't imagine living without it, would think that anybody who can overcome their fears and get on with their lives, would believe that there's something wrong - EVIL, even - with that person.
I see you, Bates, and I see the children of the Cold War, the still-frightened little kid expecting for horrible burning death to come at any random, unpredictable moment. At your most fundamental level, you believe that that kind of fear is the ONLY way to live. It's SO not.
"Blackball" you, Larry ? You mean, ban you, the way some of us were banned from "We The People" a few years back, but are too fair and honest to do that to you ? THAT "blackballing" ?
What a maroon. Even if you were worth the effort of banning, Bates, we wouldn't do it - If for no better reason than it would only feed that neurotic persecution complex of yours. You're just not that important, or effective, Larry. Never will be, either. Your self-delusion never stops.
You come here to recite the right-wing scripture, chapter & verse, and to make a pest of yourself - And that's all you do.
I’ve gone back 35 pages here, Snagg, (all there are),to find out what scripture quoting that you are referring to. Other than a few, very non scripture quoting responses to your rabid attacks on me because I represent a religion that you fear, I find no religious scriptural posts on my part. So you must be referring to my posting conservative viewpoints that you disagree with.
In the process of checking back though, I find that I can take a small amount of pride in the fact that for well over a year now, none of your usual acolytes have been coming back here for their daily dose of liberal propaganda. There’s just you, Pac, Vernon and I. I’ll just continue to post truth here as an antidote to the agitprop that this group was started for. Unless of course, you all decide to blackball me, which would be pretty revealing in itself.
Peace Brudders
Well, Vernon - I have no delusions about penetrating Bate's solid-brass skull (or his tin-foil hat) for a fraction of a second.
(He flatters himself to think that he annoys or infuriates us, much like a selfish brat who has learned to draw attention to himself by blurting profanity, while remaining profoundly ignorant to the larger issues that the adults are trying to talk about.)
I see him in the same way that I see the illiterate and unthinking Teabaggers that I deal with at my job and in my personal life. They all spew the exact same paranoid gibberish, rote reactionisms and angry pseudo-morality, and reading Larry's stuff gives me a leg up on them - By giving me a day or two to sharpen my arguments that I then use to shut them down, in front of other people who are sadly cowed by their self-pitying belligerence and appalled by their proud lack of rational thought.
So I say, let Larry toot his horn and jeer as he cuts-&-pastes his hate-group manifestoes, all while preening himself in front of his nude pin-up of Glenn Beck - Mr Bates truly serves a larger purpose of which he is blissfully and completely unaware, a purpose delightfully different from the heaven-sent party-pooper that he imagines himself to be...
Maybe I would provide that documentation, Larry, if you'd start doing the same - Like, when I ask you to explain your weird phraseology outbursts.
But no, I don't think I will - I'm not going to let you pick the songs we're going to dance to, because when it's your turn to shake a leg, you shake 'em both - Straight in the opposite direction of whatever it is that's being discussed.
That's a kink in Vernon's well-meant and fundamentally correct idea about toning down the rhetoric and finding a way to discuss things in a civilized manner - We'd cheerfully engage in fair debate, but you duck fair and calmly-asked questions, then come back instead with some silly new videos that "prove" some "point" or highlight one of your current Beck-inspired theories, completely ignoring the last debate that you fled from, pretending it never happened. Then, instead of actually coming to grips with the ideas represented when we refute those newest highly-spun, heavily contextualized propagandizements, you run away again.
That's why we say you're a troll, Larry - You don't even try to follow any of Vernon's suggestions, yet you truly believe that Pac & I - the dirty, stupid liberals - are the only ones ignoring his requests for reasonable, anger-free, honest debate.
That casts a big, fat shadow over your make-believe stance that you're a square-shootin', fair-minded straight-talker, and it poisons your offerings to this board. Because we know that you're not coming here in a spirit of fairness or honesty - You come here to recite the right-wing scripture, chapter & verse, and to make a pest of yourself - And that's all you do.
Like Macon, you expect a respect from others that you'd rather die than show towards them, and every time your phony morality is punctured, you wrap yourself in a shroud of piety and sanctimony, again and again, never understanding that we already know the limits of your bag of tricks, or that we know what you really are, as opposed to what you believe yourself to be.
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