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Comment by Snagg on September 5, 2011 at 5:44pm

Actually, Larry, the point was that your mind slammed shut who KNOWS how long ago, and it is utterly impervious to any idea that stands outside your irrational, deeply hypocritical convictions.


Which would include this post. Naturally, a point like that is literally impossible for you to grasp.

So - Go back to your trough of proud ignorance and stubborn bigotry - You've spent a lot of time telling yourself that it's the most delicious food in the world, and no one would want you to ever think that there might be better food someplace else.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on September 5, 2011 at 5:05pm

        Pac, Once more you try to put words and concepts into my mouth(2 typing fingers, that is)that would restrict our disagreement to just the area you want to talk about.  Sorry I’m not going there.  Do you seriously think that it is terribly important to American victims and survivors of Islamist terrorists, whether the the pig $hit that caused the explosion was radicalized in the United States or in Europe or in the Middle East?

          Near as I can recall, the only thing I’ve posted here lately in regards to where Islamists are being radicalized was the article about them being radicalized by Islamist Chaplains in the US prison system.  If you are responding to that, you are even more confused than usual.

In reply to your suggestion that I check out what “Christians”  are doing in Nigeria or Rwanda, I’m going to let the Nigerians and Rwandans  handle that.  My concern is with what Islamists want to do in the United States.  I know of no “Christians” who are being radicalized in the US and then sent to those countries to commit criminal terrorist acts.  If you want to waste your life comparing apples to oranges tho, go for it.

          Moral Majority???  Really?   The “Moral Majority “ stopped existing anywhere, except in the fevered nightmares of you, Snagg and the rest of your ilk, 22 years ago, after playing an important role in getting the liberal “Antichrist”, Ronald Reagan, elected, and seeing him through his two great terms  which still haunt the plans of progressives everywhere.

          Your use of the fact that Iraq is now a “suicide bomber’s paradise” only proves my contention, Iraq is, you will recall, a Muslim Country where the suicide bomber is the Muslim terrorist’s weapon of choice.  I will give you the benefit of the doubt, choosing to believe that you aren’t making some sick joke about the suicide bombers looking for their 72 virgins in Iraq, by your use of the term.

          Your contention that I’m different from you in that I can’t ‘consider other’s belief systems is laughable.  It is the very belief system of Islam in general that prevents them from pulling back as far as they should be from The Islamist’s actions and intentions

          I also got a chuckle from your belief that Syria is a secular country.   What you progressive Islamic apologists conveniently overlook, in the hopes that no one knows any better, is that the Alawite sect, which the then president of Syria, Hafez al-Assad adhered to is a branch of Shia Islam.  Thus when he wiped out an entire Sunni town in the Massacre at Hama, it was just part of the internecine war of terrorism within Islam.   His son, Bashar, who took over at Hafez’s death in 2000, so far seems to be more involved in the State party, the Syrian Ba’athist party, than in Islam’s civil war with itself. Things have been stable there for the last decade now.  I hope for Syria’s sake that it stays that way.   Syria continues to be high on the list of private financial backers of terrorism in the world, in as much as the Obama administration still keeps track of such things.

          Because those who committed the crimes of 9/11 claim to be Muslim?

Is it your contention that the perpetrators of 911 were not Muslim??  You’re talking crazier than usual, here Pac.

          As for “hate is destroying me”,  and  me learning what Christianity is all about”, and other such drivel, don’t you know that laughing helps us live longer?   It’s one of the big reasons I come here to talk to you guys.


          Snagg, you seem to be trying to make some point with your last post, but nothing’s coming thru except what everyone already knows, you hate religions.  Is that it?


Comment by Baia on September 5, 2011 at 3:40pm

I thought of this yesterday, but it is a joke I made up for today:

What do US Tea Party members do to celebrate Labor Day?

They go serfing!



Comment by Snagg on September 4, 2011 at 7:00am

"Snagg, I could call myself President of the United States and that wouldn’t make it true"


That's right, Larry, because something like being the President requires things like vote tallies and numerical facts (unless yer Dubya, of course) -


But ANY proud slob can call themselves a "christian" or a "muslim" or a "jew" or a "wiccan" or a whatever, and there's going to be a huge percentage of people who are going to go, "Yeah, that's good enough for us. Welcome aboard."


That's the irony of faith that always escapes the faithfull - It never occurs to them that the corollary of your smug statement is just as accurate: Just because YOU call yourself a christian, doesn't make it true.


It's just that doing it your way is such an easier way to dodge that necessity for inconvenient things like verifiable facts, empirical evidence or even plain ol' honesty or humility - Isn't it? Just ignore all those troublesome contradictions, as long as the result will be in YOUR favor. Your deity-of-choice will reward you for it, you're quite sure.


Yes indeedy-do - SO much more advantageous for somebody like you, who would DEMAND accurate, non-partisan counts if it was a race between your candidate and mine - But when you hear somebody like me say, "Your god isn't real", you can simply snarl "Oh yes he IS, BECAUSE I SAY SO!"

That way, you get to have your bullshit sandwich, and eat it, too.


Don't forget to wipe your chin, Bates.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on September 2, 2011 at 6:15pm

Snagg, I could call myself President of the United States and that wouldn’t make it true.

Unfortunately  for your hair trigger mouth, the fact is that the Westboro “Baptist” church is not affiliated with any Baptist denomination and is “Baptist” or even “Christian”only by virtue of naming themselves so, much like your repeated attempts to name yourself as an agnostic, when your repeated mocking of the God that you would be unsure of if you were one, proves by your public actions that you are actually an atheist in agnostic’s clothing.

Your insinuation that I have said that westboro is not a church, is laughably untrue, as you well know, just as your charge of myself claiming that either you or Pac are not “Americans” is.  You then state that I “disavow and dismiss the God and beliefs of every other religion in the world but my own.  Not true either, and you are hereby challenged to point out any instance of me taking any such stands.      Can’t you find anything to argue about that you don’t make up?.



You can probably get these Guys to agree with you tho.



Actually, Pac, I’m in Portland often, what rational reason would you have for believing otherwise?

If you think that my efforts to expose Islam for what it is, is belied by my not expending an equal amount of ink on wack job Christian criminals,  it only reflects on your own self vaunted mathematical abilities.  The criminal acts perpetrated by Islamists are taught them in their mosques, weekly.  Violence against others is an aberration in so called Christianity, showing up in this country mostly on rare occasions compared to those of radical Islam and usually in the form of an unbalanced person doing violence in the guise of  anti-abortion activity. 

Sure, you go right ahead and start bringing up all the names that you would like to pass off as “Christian Violence”.   Most of them are arguably “Christian” only because the left has claimed they are.  They weren’t radicalized in a Christian Church and most of whom wouldn’t darken the door of one. But you go ahead anyway, I can give a dozen examples of radical Muslim violence for each one you  name,  bring it on.

As for ranting on public forums, Pac, This is not a rant, it’s simply an answer to statements that  Snagg and yourself have made, and if you can’t tell the difference, it’s only because of your peculiar leftist vocabulary.   I will be the first to admit that contributing to a forum like this, is one of the less effective ways of supporting my political beliefs, but what activities I have mentioned along with being active on the precinct level  in the GOP, keeps me busy.   I mainly come here, as I have mentioned before, to provide a counterpart voice to any lurkers who happen along here.

Please don’t take this as a religious diatribe, It’s only in answer to the “religious charges”,  you  make in regard to me.  I don’t regard Islam as a Religion so much as a socio-political system bent on world domination.   I’d just as soon stick with Politics, but Snagg keeps bringing his own phobias up.

Between the two of you, making constant attacks on what you imagine my political and religious beliefs to be, along with the general contempt that you appear to have for me, it’s obvious that you think that you are dealing with someone whose ego is as monumental as your own,  and who will be injured, somehow, by your words.   Sorry, you’re wrong there.    Better get back to work, Snagg, they’re not paying you for this.   Later

Comment by Snagg on September 1, 2011 at 10:08am
Yeah, well....Ya gotta remember, Pacis - Larry's one of those "special" christians who gets to determine whether or not a total stranger he's never met or heard of is a "REAL" christian. LARRY knows what's in their hearts and souls, better than god does. It's just one of his many remarkable abilities that makes our Mr. Bates such a GOOD and admirable person.
Comment by Snagg on September 1, 2011 at 5:22am

Oh, you keep Westboro wacko's "away", do you? How do you do that, exactly?  Because they're very fast to sue any private citizens who dare lay hands on them or impede their civil rights to "gather in public", and they make a very big media spectacle of those proceedings. In fact, I'd bet I'd've heard of your involvement in something like that by now, as you're a very prideful person, and you would've been crowing that you'd found a way to rein  them in - Especially as no one else, including US attorneys and the ACLU have been able to find a way to do so.

Given your past history of running away when requested to stand and deliver, I'm sure you'll understand my reservations about these claims regarding your "accomplishments".


Regarding your claim that the Westboro thugs are 'NOT" Baptists - Unfortunately,the Westboro swine ARE a registered, recognized church, and THEY ARE BAPTISTS, whether you like it or not - Your claiming that they're not is no different than when a person like you claims that me or Pacis aren't "Americans", just because you can't bear the thought of someone so different from you claiming any of the same honor or dignity associated with American citizenship that a person of your spectacular moral superiority believes should be their personal due, and no one else's - And because it's a cheap, easy way to denigrate and devalue your opponent.

But, of course, gutless tactics like that are A-Okay, as long as a superior person such as yourself is the one using them, right? Riiiiiiiiiight.


Nice you see you coming around to the "A criminal is a criminal, no matter what kind of 'special relationship with god' the criminal claims to possess" viewpoint.

So, if you already thought that, then why are you so careful to only post material slamming muslims for acting that way? Not ONCE, have you ever posted a piece slamming Westboro, corrupt evangelists, gay-hating christians caught out of the closet or anything that might reflect badly on your personal faith - "christianity", I believe it's called? I'm curious, what with you being such an honest, righteous person and all, that you would display such blatant, obvious hypocrisy?  Or, is it just that it's "more" wrong when it's them dirty muslims doing it? Enlighten us, O Wise One.


Okay - a "card-carrying atheist" -? Yer barking up the wrong tree there, Bubba. I've said, many times, that I'm not an atheist, I'm agnostic - Your refusal to recognize the difference is your flaw, not mine.

Hell, Bates, - YOU'RE the atheist around here, not me. Remember, you're the one who disavows and dismisses the gods and beliefs of every other religion in the world but yours. When you insist that someone else's god doesn't exist, hat makes YOU the "atheist", not me. Gotten yer card punched lately? There's the irony of you using that "Think Much Lately?" trope, rearing it's pointed little head again.


Okay, I'd like to finish this, but my job calls. Later, atheist scum.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 31, 2011 at 7:36pm



My point exactly Snagg, I'm glad you understand.  You may not be as dumb as you look.  I guess you couldn't be.


The day you start to spend half as much time bitching about Westboro scumbags, paedophile priests and gay-bashing, closeted, money-grubbing christian ministers -

As is your habit, you have a large mouth and small feet.   I don't resist the Westboro "Baptist" church, which is NOT a Baptist Church, by the way, by coming onto a site like this and "Bitching" about them.  I attend what Millitary funerals I can with a group that provides (by invitation from the families), flag lines to honor the fallen and keep the westboro wacks far enough away from the service that the families usually don't know that they are even present.

If I were a catholic I would be doing something concrete within that church to influence it's hierarchy to be more proactive on the pedophile priest problem, but I'm not foolish enough to believe that simply going on a rant about it on a site like this is anything more than a waste of oxygen.

I also, along with many I know, take precautions which I won't detail here, during local church services to insure that no violence takes place therein, whether by unbalanced anti-abortionists or any other wack jobs.

Not being a card carrying atheist, I don't overreact to all christians and christian pastors either, so you'd have to be more specific about that part of your rant.

So tell me rubber nose, just what concrete actions you have undertaken to oppose the things you're so feverishly blubbering about here.  Is there anything besides the blubbering?

Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 31, 2011 at 12:22pm

Pac, the fact that you point out simple obvious facts to one and all assuming no one else knows them, as if  though you were the major intellect of the universe, does not constitute a teaching moment.  Only a greatly swelled head would believe so.     My reference was to your last previous post, in which your rather muddled accusation was that I spread “hate” toward “religious and ethnic groups” that you merge together whenever it suits your lame arguments, and then falsely claim that I don’t separate properly.

BTW, I suggest that you lose the Xenophobic and racist cards, they’re getting kind of limp these days.   Even some far leftists realize that they have worn them out.  I  Know, Pavlov and all that, but you should try, if you wish to be taken seriously

Snagg, do you really believe that the fact that the Catholic Church has a pedophilia problem, somehow nullifies the arrests and convictions revealed in the link I provided?    Am I supposed to rush to the defense of the Catholic church’s criminals and thereby disbelieve that a problem exists with criminal activity in the prison system by many of those appointed as Muslim Chaplains?  Think much lately?

Comment by Snagg on August 31, 2011 at 6:28am

Bates - Here's a response to your "rational", not-at-all-inflammatory link explaining how muslim clergy are so prone to criminal deeds:




Officials of the Catholic church in Ireland are, naturally, objecting to this new law. Gosh, I wonder why the church that went to such great lengths to hide the activities of paedophile priests, and was forced to cough up such huge amounts of money in civil damages, on top of the millions they spent trying to buy the silence of their victims, is resisting the idea of an outside authority over-ruling their official stances of secrecy and evasion? Not that I'm being, you know, inflammatory or anything...


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