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Comment by Snagg on September 8, 2011 at 6:04pm

Yeah, I know. It got me to thinking, any reasonable person would hear an old man griping about how he'll never forgive the South until "they" apologize for shelling Fort Sumter, or that he'll "never trust them Japs". And that reasonable person would know that they were looking at a crank.

But then, there will always be some people that have to let their hate, fear and anger define their entire existence. The trick is to not them do the driving for the rest of us.


As long as FOXNews, the WND and other hate groups can make a buck flogging the past and keeping the fearful riled up, they'll keep doing it - It's classic American capitalism at it's most crass, venal and heartless. But then, who ever expected cold hard business to have a heart ? Americas wasn't built on kindness and generosity, it was built on ruthless tycoonism - And on the backs of anybody who got in it's way.

Comment by Snagg on September 7, 2011 at 3:49pm

Larry has that special amnesia-like condition common to fanatics and blowhards - If it makes his side look bad, then - What were we talking about? He can't remember - Must've never happened...He can't begin to understand why we're still harping about that non-existent occurrance, that never actually happened and is only a product of our fevered, heretical minds. Let's move on to the next subject, shall we?


Conversely - Any wild, unfounded rumor (let alone actual fact) that makes the other guys' side look bad though - Those NEVER escape that steel-trap like mind.


Naturally, it's considered "Good Sportsmanship", "Fair Play", "Common Decency", "Humble Faith" and other self-congratulatory appellations when he does it...

Comment by Snagg on September 7, 2011 at 10:53am

You, Bates, are the last person on Earth - Correction, the SECOND-to-last person on Earth, after Steve Macon - Who should be accusing other people of dodging questions.


Shit. It takes a special kind of utter coward to dodge a question (for the THIRD time) by accusing somebody else of dodging a question that you never even asked them.


This kind of spineless bullshit, Larry, is what I mean when I describe you by using adjectives like "smarmy" and "smug". You're a GIGANTIC puss-out artist. Being as how religious dingbats tend to pick faiths that reflect their own specific character flaws, I'd bet that you're one of those apologists who dismisses every single complaint about your god's total lack of involvement with his children's problems (I.E., ignoring little kids with cancer, allowing natural disasters to kill legions of innocent people, doing nothing about terrorists who are performing atrocities in his name, etc, etc) not with a thoughtful, reasoned defense or an honest "I Don't Know Why He Allows Horrible Things To Happen", but with a by-now thoroughly-ingrained shrug and a callous "It's not for a sinner like YOU to question the KING OF THE UNIVERSE! How DARE you!"


Christ on a Bike, what a wuss. I bet you were the school narc as a kid, and you've placed around your "Sneakiest Rat In Town" trophy in a place of honor on your mantlepiece. You really have taken Macon's place around here as the Worst Possible Example Of Religious Arrogance.


Comment by Lawrence Bates on September 7, 2011 at 8:55am

I have noticed that liberals, when they can’t respond to the subject at hand, nearly always resort to the personal attack.  Pac refines this technique by throwing shovelfuls of non relevant history that he always makes the rather vapid assumption that his opponent doesn’t know, into the mix.  Back when I was young this was known as the “If you can’t answer, try the baffle with bull$hit ploy.

I don’t know how happy “we” were to see the Muslim Brotherhood take a drubbing and I don’t know what point you’re assuming to prove by asserting the happiness level that “we” now enjoy.  You are perfectly entitled under the Constitution to believe there has never been any Shia/Sunni strife in Syria, but your belief doesn’t change anything in Syria.

Snagg, on the other hand, simply stays with the tried and true personal attack.  And BTW I only defend assertions that I’ve actually made, not what the two of you may twist them into.

If you guys don’t want to say anything about the article I linked in the OCRegister about the Democrat thief/treasurer, or the United States Postal Service going belly-up on  0bama’s watch, I’ll keep my eyes open for something else that you might think that you could actually defend for the left.

Comment by Snagg on September 6, 2011 at 10:53pm

By the way...Notice how Larry dodged my request that he document exactly how he mightily went toe-to-toe with the godless Westboro hordes and righteously drove them into the sea ?


Unless, of course, sitting around with his other big-talking friends and making fun of a TV news report on one of Westboro's demonstrations five hundred miles away is "going toe-to-toe" with them. Like Macon, Larry has a habit of redefining his actions (or lack of them) in such a way that he shines a very favorable light on himself - You know, just in case Jesus is watching.

Comment by Snagg on September 6, 2011 at 5:08am

Well, Pacis - The trick to understanding Larry is this:


Per yer post: "Are you saying that we're more civilized because we use smart bombs, airplanes and long range artillery? I have some news for you: we're all sons of bitches, whether or not we'd like to recognize it. I fear them because I believe they want to kill me, and they fear me because they think I want to kill them."


Larry believes that if muslim fanatics kill you or me, then it's no great loss to the world, and that would actually be a plus for his side. If muslim fanatics were to kill HIM, then the world might never recover from his leadership of the christian ideal.


That's the key, right there. You and I are sonsabitches, Pacis, as is Larry. It's just that we're not PROUD of it, as Mr. Bates is. Larry believes that being an asshole IS the sign of an advanced mind - But only HIS personal style of assholism is the true and righteous way. Everybody else is, well...Just an asshole. He's a HOLY asshole.


And, as for you, Larry: "Is that a political point?  Or just more of your hatred of my viewpoint.  If it's got a political facet trot it out and give me more than just an opinion on it, if not your making me sleepy.........."


Really? You, Bates, a lazy thinker who does NOTHING but regurgitate right-wing christian religious ideology, paranoid video propaganda, sanctimonious opinions and near-total factual ignorance - Coming down on anybody else for what you see as their lack of political awareness or incisiveness - ?

Bates, you couldn't see the other side of a question if your children's lives depended on it. In fact, you're downright conceited about the narrowness of your beliefs, convinced that that tunnel vision makes you better and more moral than those who can.


Belief is it's own reward, as they say, and our Mr. Bates is a textbook example. He deliberately (and, he tells himself, conscientiously) ignores all facts and realities that might contradict his conviction of his moral perfection, so as not to jeopardize that precious belief in his own eminence. In fact, the very function of shutting out unpleasant truths is itself held to be a holy act, thus re-enforcing the personal delusion of moral and ethical superiority. It's a classic case of the snake devouring it's own tail, all while sneering at everybody else and telling them what fools they are for missing this delicious meal.

Ignorance really is Bliss to Mr. Bates. The less he knows of the real world, the happier he is.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on September 5, 2011 at 10:42pm

Once again, Pac, you imagine that you're telling me facts I didn't know, this time concerning the Alawite sect and the history of the Ba'athist Party, Your egotism is awesome! 


You then procede to repeat yourself about Syria being the Secular capital of the middle east.  You'll pardon me if I require more than a decade’s moratorium of Sunni's and Shias killing each other in the name of their version of allah, in that country, to believe that the government there is truly secular.  It's been that long since the Islamists killed 3000 in the World Trade Center attack and that fact doesn't lead me to believe that radical Islam has gone all warm and fuzzy and is renouncing violence.


BTW You err again when you accuse me of "crusading against homosexual rights"  and again I challenge you to show that this is true right here in your own little leftist's garden of ideas.  You won't of course, because you can't, but you'll continue with your verbal loose bowels anyway, just as if you had provided some kind of documentation.    

You're so predictable.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on September 5, 2011 at 8:35pm

Let’s see, what was the old  acronym?    Ah,……  T A N H A T.

Most who haven’t learned it by the fifth grade, end up being Democrats.



Comment by Lawrence Bates on September 5, 2011 at 8:33pm




This should prove to be very interesting.

  Watch for a Bonzai effort not to lay off any workers, thereby breaking the union contract and alienating more of Obama's base, just in time for the 2012 elections.

   If USPS does go belly-up, before the election, will Obama be considered the President who presided over the US Postal service's fire sale? 

   Will USPS's equipment and real estate be snapped up at auction by Fedex and UPS?

   If so, will the Government then attempt to nationalise those 2 companies?

   Will Obama's successor in the 2012 elections (and successor their certainly will be), be the hero who presides over the resurection of the "USPS.20 Lean Mean and Non-Union"?

Stay tuned!

Comment by Lawrence Bates on September 5, 2011 at 8:32pm
Is that a political point?  Or just more of your hatred of my viewpoint.  If it's got a political facet trot it out and give me more than just an opinion on it, if not your making me sleepy..........

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