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They Say Humor Helps Sometimes

Started by officerripley Nov 11, 2016.

"I don't know him from Adam's off ox." 2 Replies

Started by Shadowman. Last reply by Shadowman Feb 3, 2013.

Where are they now? 1 Reply

Started by Vernon Windsor. Last reply by P.A. Dec 30, 2012.

Jon Stewart Tears Into Senate Republicans Over UN Treaty Vote 6 Replies

Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 10, 2012.

What We Can Become! 1 Reply

Started by Trish. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 3, 2012.

Solar Power 2 Replies

Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 2, 2012.

Rush Limbaugh. Poster Child. 3 Replies

Started by Scott Free. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 2, 2012.

GOP Definitions 1 Reply

Started by Trish. Last reply by officerripley Nov 29, 2012.

Big Bad Beck 2 Replies

Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Nov 28, 2012.

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Comment by Vernon Windsor on April 3, 2012 at 2:04pm

The President didn't volunteer his comments. He was asked a question by Mike Vaccaro in an attempt to cause controversy and/or assess his true feelings on the tragedy in Florida. There was nothing wrong with his answer. He showed true compassion for the parents of Trayvon Martin, wisdom in staying out of the specifics of the case which is being looked at by his justice department, and offered a desire to get to the truth of what happened—both in the incident and whatever miscarriage of justice may or may not have happened.

I believe it is the fact that the president's tone was so correct that just grinds the gears of people like Lawrence, for whom, the president can't do anything right. We understand.

But seriously, you guys should be nicer to each other. What's with all the name calling? Act like adults who have actually grown up. You may come to like it.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 2, 2012 at 11:35pm

Well, guys I was holding out hope that you could all pool your brain cells and figure out that the point is, Obama, (Snagg at least made that connection), hasn't seen any politically divisive hay to be made by inserting himself into the situation of her and ten others who were killed and fifty wounded in gang violence in his home town, in one weekend.  Doesn't fit the narrative like the death of the Martin boy, I guess.  


Oddly enough, the spineless, but not spinless, liberal news media hasn't wasted any ink on it either.   I can't figure out if it's because Obie didn't think any of them looked like "his son if he had one", or if it looked like too much of a stretch to imply something racial in it.   What is a "white Latino", by the way?   Isn't Obama a "white African American by those same standards?

Comment by Vernon Windsor on April 2, 2012 at 9:03pm

That seems pretty low.

Comment by Vernon Windsor on April 2, 2012 at 4:25pm

Looks like we need more of an explanation Lawrence. Just how did the president forget about Aliyah Shell?

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 2, 2012 at 2:45pm

You forgot me, Mr. President.

Aliyah Shell

2006 - 2012

Comment by Snagg on March 13, 2012 at 12:45pm

Exactly. Are the wingnuts now floating conspiracy theories that Brietbart was....assassinated ?

Ah, what would be new about that ? Wingnuts think that chocolate chip cookies are a left-wing conspiracy.

Comment by Snagg on March 11, 2012 at 12:53pm

Funny, ain't it, the way loudmouths like Larry can guzzle propaganda the same way that Brietbart sucked down drugs and booze, yet neither ever feels that they should be held responsible for it ?

Which brings up an interesting idea: Larry, are you a member or "graduate" of a substance-abuse program ? I ask, because in light of your reappearing out of nowhere to defend and praise a dirtbag like Brietbart, you remind me of  people I've known who came out of faith-based recovery programs.

You've always displayed the kind of self-righteous, lock-step "I-Can't-Handle-Something-So-Everything-Else-Is-Forbidden-To-Everybody-Else" dogma of those folks, people who came out of programs where a dependency on substances are not so much conquered as simply re-assigned to a dependency of religious faith.

(Not to mention, that issues of lack of accountability and personal responsibility are not addressed in faith-based programs as they are in AA and other, more secular programs. Religion-based programs have, I hear, a higher rate of failure because of that.)

Anyway - It's your sudden re-appearance after months of silence that rouses my curiosity. Months of staggeringly stupid comments and career-suicides acted out by the republican candidates, public humiliations that have only soured the majority of the American electorate even further on conformist conservative idealogues, have drawn not a peep from you - But it's the public disgrace and misfortune of known drug-suckers like Brietbart (And Limbaugh) that drags you out from under your rock. Interesting.

Your leap to eulogize an unrepentant partier asshole like Brietbart smacks of the "brotherhood of survivors" mentality that many recovery programs hammer into their members. It's an ingrained reflex to defend and protect other group members, as a way of reminding everyone that another survivor will always be there to help them, should any weaken or falter - And it is also a primer for being available to any active partiers that might request an intervention or other assistance.

So it wouldn't surprise me a bit to learn that Brietbart and Limbaugh push a relatability button in you. Being as you, Brietbart and Limbaugh already share the same arrogant, fact-averse blowhard similarities, along with a hypocritical contempt for other party-hardies, your sudden display of affection and respect for a lying, long-time substance abuser like Brietbart rings very odd.


Hmmm. This throws a new light on some of your more fatuous ideas, going back quite some ways. VERY interesting....

Comment by Snagg on March 11, 2012 at 10:31am

Yeah, it must have been all the booze and cocaine that Brietbart admits he ingested in his college years, on top of his admitted heart problems, that were forced down his throat by shadowy Obama operatives.

Let's see...That would be the years roughly 1987-1991, while Obama was posing as a grad student at Harvard, while actually assembling his army of socialists and assassins. Come on, Larr, I want to hear your diseased mind try and put the wingnut spin on this.

Come back, Larry. We've missed you and your gullible susceptibility to right-wing paranoid conspiracies.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on March 8, 2012 at 9:27am

You did it, Andrew.    Though it cost you your life, you did it.   Obama is down.  The media is dirty.  The academic left is dirty.  Progressivism is exposed and America now knows it.   Well done!

Rest in well earned peace,  Andrew Breitbart.            (February 1, 1969 – March 1, 2012)

Comment by Scott Free on March 1, 2012 at 9:15am

Hmm. A two person forum with 135 members. Any explanations?


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