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They Say Humor Helps Sometimes

Started by officerripley Nov 11, 2016.

"I don't know him from Adam's off ox." 2 Replies

Started by Shadowman. Last reply by Shadowman Feb 3, 2013.

Where are they now? 1 Reply

Started by Vernon Windsor. Last reply by P.A. Dec 30, 2012.

Jon Stewart Tears Into Senate Republicans Over UN Treaty Vote 6 Replies

Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 10, 2012.

What We Can Become! 1 Reply

Started by Trish. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 3, 2012.

Solar Power 2 Replies

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Rush Limbaugh. Poster Child. 3 Replies

Started by Scott Free. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 2, 2012.

GOP Definitions 1 Reply

Started by Trish. Last reply by officerripley Nov 29, 2012.

Big Bad Beck 2 Replies

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Comment by Boothby171 on August 2, 2009 at 4:55pm

Just one would do.

I have an idea--tell me guys (gals) how this works for you:

I know whenever I search out info on a point I'm trying to make, I always search for links in FAVOR of my point. I also know that there are sites *I* can trust: NYTIMES, TALKORIGINS, SNOPES, etc. I ALSO know that a lot of guys who trust (let's say) FOX news, will NOT trust the NYTimes site. ANd I don't really trust the FOX News site...etc., etc.

I also know that I tend NOT to look for links that make my opponent's point.

I think it would be an interesting experiment to post FOUR LINKS for every debate: sort of a "matrix" combining sites you trust and sites you are wary of, multiplied by links in your favor, and links in your opponents favor.

After all, I recall reading somewhere that we're all adults here, trying to learn something and understand the other guy...not just call him an uneducated moron (even though so many of you are--and even though you're not aware of it, obviously) <---that last bit's a joke, BTW, in case you hadn't realized.
Comment by no1toolmkr on August 2, 2009 at 4:42pm
There everywhere boothby
I googled it earlier and literally couldn't pick one
how many you want till your satisfied?
This is one very well researched subject.
It's also why the dems just won't try and tackle it anymore
they've learned this the hard way. Mess with the second amendment
and the people vote their asses out.....
Comment by Boothby171 on August 2, 2009 at 4:18pm
"in every city and every country at every time in history
when you disarm the law abiding citizenry
crime goes up. And not by any insignificant number either
the facts have been documented over and over throughout

Let's see some coldhard facts, then. I mean, something other than right off the NRA website. LINKS, man, LINKS!
Comment by no1toolmkr on August 2, 2009 at 2:57pm
Well at least you've ditched the verbal assaults.
I've been in NY. Mostly a nice place.
And as far as fox news vrs MSNBC
fox so vastly outstrips MSNBC in viewership
is not even worth making the comparison
so even if you put that to national vote there's no comparison
as to whom the population feels is telling the truth
we are as a nation in very serious trouble. To some degree it was bush
but by no means has Obama revered anything.
He's doing the same things following the same policies with the same agenda
one difference though. He's going faster than anyone b4 him
if you would watch freedom to fascism it drops a lot of blame on mc Cain, bush
and the clintons points out that the two presidents that tried to fix this proble Reagan and Kennedy both were shot.
It also references MSNBC and fox news.
Wake up!!!!
It's not. Party issue
they are counting on to make it one though.
For as long as your bickerring over who did what
they're robbing us blind.....
Comment by Mark Mentzer on August 2, 2009 at 1:48pm
Face it toolmaker, you're FOX News and I'm MSNBC. I would never own or use a gun, I'd rather die and I'm closer to terrorists and their attacks than you are. You should start your own right wing group because you'll never convince me or anyone else here that it's not fear mongering. Also, I think you are imagining NY as a different place than it is.
Comment by no1toolmkr on August 2, 2009 at 1:20pm
its not fear mongering.
it's reality. The military can't protect us from terrorist attack any more than the police can protect us from a criminal one. They do their best but unless you want to live under constant marshal law. it's not possible..
Be it as it may. the rights of the people to keep and bear arms needs to be respected. more so now than ever.
Its fine with me that you don't like fire arms. they just aren't for everyone.
not everyone can handle them, or the responsibility that comes with them.
however with that said. in the cities and states where the crime rate is significantly lower because of them. The criminals are forced to guess as to which victim could be their last. in the city of New York. pick anyone you want. it's almost a guarantee your picking an unarmed victim...
Comment by Mark Mentzer on August 2, 2009 at 1:02pm
I find it funny that people in TX are paranoid about a terrorist attack and buy into the right wing fear while we here in NY (who suffered a terrorist attack) refuse to buy into fear mongering.
Comment by no1toolmkr on August 2, 2009 at 12:04pm
Yea, it sucks. Carrying one full time totally sucks
in every city and every country at every time in history
when you disarm the law abiding citizenry
crime goes up. And not by any insignificant number either
the facts have been documented over and over throughout
history. And that is why you won't see legislators who want to
keep their jobs even try and take them from the law abiding
public. It's the very reason NY city violent crime is high and
Dallas TX is low.
Ok so they suck. But at least I didn't resort to name calling
I brought hard, cold facts to the discussion and it was and still
is you having a kiniption fit.
I do not wish to be a grass eater like yourself
I'll keep my gun thank you. And as it seems
you can't do anything about other that shout obscenities.
Good luck I hope no criminals figure out you just another
grass eater.
Comment by no1toolmkr on August 2, 2009 at 10:36am
not complaining.
Comment by Mark Mentzer on August 2, 2009 at 10:07am
Toolmaker, what'chu complainin' 'bout now? Deleting an ad is censorship? People can choose to accept ads or not. But, I know that nobody can be as American as you.

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