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Left Wing Politics

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They Say Humor Helps Sometimes

Started by officerripley Nov 11, 2016.

"I don't know him from Adam's off ox." 2 Replies

Started by Shadowman. Last reply by Shadowman Feb 3, 2013.

Where are they now? 1 Reply

Started by Vernon Windsor. Last reply by P.A. Dec 30, 2012.

Jon Stewart Tears Into Senate Republicans Over UN Treaty Vote 6 Replies

Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 10, 2012.

What We Can Become! 1 Reply

Started by Trish. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 3, 2012.

Solar Power 2 Replies

Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 2, 2012.

Rush Limbaugh. Poster Child. 3 Replies

Started by Scott Free. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 2, 2012.

GOP Definitions 1 Reply

Started by Trish. Last reply by officerripley Nov 29, 2012.

Big Bad Beck 2 Replies

Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Nov 28, 2012.

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Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 12, 2011 at 8:17am
You're the girls that brought up "rules" and accused me of trying to make them.  Having trouble remembering your own "facts"?     Perhaps you should consult with your "fact checker" again.
Comment by Snagg on April 10, 2011 at 2:46am

Really? The "format" calls for you to hide behind "The Rules" when you can't bullshit your way out of a fair question? Wouldn't that be the same "Rule" that priests hide behind after they molest little boys? Where we demand honesty and you respond with the "Rule" of "Nyaah Nyaah, You Can't Make Me"?


Such a brave and forthright little troll you are, Lawrence. That must explain why you've advanced so far through life.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 9, 2011 at 9:37pm
Not makin any rules here girls, just followin the format that TBD layed down.  Don't cry.
Comment by Snagg on April 9, 2011 at 2:56pm

Very well then. My Comment For The Day, April le 9th, 2011:


Awww...Ain't it cute, how Larry tries to lay down the rules around here? The way he thinks that he calls the shots? Especially when he starts sternly bitching any time anybody else doesn't give a rat's ass about his fussy, puffed-up bullshit? (Because we're not SPECIAL, like Larry is. What with him being the Unknown Master Moderator, God's Chosen One, the Big Kahuna and the Sheriff 'round these here parts.)


It's so adorable. Kinda in the same way as when a prissy gay-bashing evangelist gets caught with a hustlers' dick in his yapping mouth, and the evangelist then tries to blame it on a "godless permissive society" and the "liberal media". Yeah, THERE's the Perfect Moral Force that we all need to genuflect before, Heaven Knows. Please, Larry - Show us The Way to your level of spiritual enlightenment and integrity. I think that our health plan  (Those of us that are still allowed to have one, any way) will pay for lobotomies, for those of us who continue to be troubled by the constant hypocrisies and double standards. We want to be Right and Holy all the time, like you think you are. But we'll settle for Proud and Stupid, as you actually did.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 9, 2011 at 11:29am

I'll repeat for your benefit what I reminded Snagg of elsewhere: This is the comment wall, the threads are in the section above here.


Here's my comment for the day.

Good news on the jobs front!   Michelle’s 22 secretaries (it’s been customary for most first ladies to have only one, the skinflints) are earning receiving in total, just about my yearly pension, added to 1.4 million dollars.    Well, he said that jobs were a priority with him.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 7, 2011 at 10:17am
Just keep on with the party line, Snagg, you're boring me.
Comment by Snagg on April 7, 2011 at 10:10am

Where are the jobs your right-wing clowns promised, Larry? You voted 'em in, not me.


You can't answer that, can you? So you try and change the subject instead. Or steal other people's jokes and then try to ridicule them for noticing it.

Pathetic. Utterly pathetic. No wonder this country's in the shape it's in, with smug idiots like you steering it over a cliff, being too proud to just admit that you're a shitty driver.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 7, 2011 at 9:10am

You're a sap, Larry.

Don't try to change the subject by attacking the messenger, Larry.



ROFL        Like I said, Dunning Kruger effect.

Comment by Snagg on April 7, 2011 at 5:24am

This, from a guy who gets all of HIS "Facts" from the World News Daily.


Don't try to change the subject by attacking the messenger, Larry. Where Are All The Goddamn JOBS That The Republicans Swore Their Tax Breaks For The Rich Would Magically Create?


If they were up your ass, you'd know where they were.


Wait, they ARE up your ass! That's where you're going to have to pull them from, if you think you're going to win this argument - Instead of just chasing after the latest voodoo economist with a flashy new set of "Panic NOW!!! IT'S ALL OBAMA'S FAULT" flash cards and CBO sleight of hand. Ryan's whole act is just another play out of the NeoCon rule book for Ruling By Fear And Misdirection. "Keep the faithful idiots milling around and mooing and rolling their eyes in terror, and we can ram damn near ANY stupid idea up their butts." Heard it before, Mr. Economist.


The sad part of this, of course, is that we'll all have to pay through the nose for the blind greed and unearned self-admiration that conservatives like you cling to.


By the way....REALLY cheap way to steal "the Dunning-Kruger Effect" line. I've only been using it on YOU for about a year. You prove it's concepts in so many ways.....

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 6, 2011 at 8:54pm

lol,....      this from folks who get their "facts" from a so called journalist who's main credential of veracity concerning his facts, is that he has appointed himself as "the fact checker".   You illustrate the Dunning-Kruger effect perfectly when you presume to name me as the sap.


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