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They Say Humor Helps Sometimes

Started by officerripley Nov 11, 2016.

"I don't know him from Adam's off ox." 2 Replies

Started by Shadowman. Last reply by Shadowman Feb 3, 2013.

Where are they now? 1 Reply

Started by Vernon Windsor. Last reply by P.A. Dec 30, 2012.

Jon Stewart Tears Into Senate Republicans Over UN Treaty Vote 6 Replies

Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Dec 10, 2012.

What We Can Become! 1 Reply

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Solar Power 2 Replies

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Rush Limbaugh. Poster Child. 3 Replies

Started by Scott Free. Last reply by EddieDingo Dec 2, 2012.

GOP Definitions 1 Reply

Started by Trish. Last reply by officerripley Nov 29, 2012.

Big Bad Beck 2 Replies

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Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 13, 2011 at 10:18pm

"Safety of the herd"? Yah, that's it, I come here to be safe.    lol

Comment by Snagg on April 13, 2011 at 10:29am

His tactics are pretty easy to see through.

He reliably and repetitiously  parrots Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, Malkin, the World News Daily and the rest, and then sneers at "liberals" for "drinking the kool-aid" - As in, "unthinkingly swallowing the party line".


He goes running after every new conservative darling who offers a new "This Time For Sure!" theory (and solution) for what supposedly ails this country, yet they all basically say the same thing: "Everything Is The Fault Of Liberals And Poor People, Who Deserve What They Get For Not Trying Harder."


People like Larry...He not only has his belief in god to shore up his beliefs, but combined with his politics, that IS his religion. They're inseparable. It's a big, fluffy play world where both camps never stop telling each other "You're always  right, because WE say you're always right!", with any disagreement or difference of opinion attacked and smeared as heresy and treason. 

It's that treasured world-view of the truly selfish and the not-very-bright: That every single last person on the planet should agree with them, and they should all live their lives the same way that they do. They are not interested in variety, new experiences, a broadening of their own scopes, forward thinking, progress, "To Each Their Own" or anything but what they want: The Safety Of The Herd. The Status Quo, with themselves setting the standards for everybody else. A smarmy, self-congratulatory, totally false sense of Personal Security. Mindless, Endless, "Aren't-We-Just-So-Smart-To-Live-Like-This-?"  CONFORMITY. There IS no "diversity" - There is only Right and Wrong - And they are ALWAYS Right.

Comment by Snagg on April 12, 2011 at 10:05pm

I won't be losing any sleep over it either way. Your loss, not mine. You won't be the first religious fanatic to refuse to hear anything that you don't want to think about, and you won't be the last. Nor will you be any different than the other holy book-pounders who tell themselves that sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting "LA LA LA LA LA I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS!!!!!" is something that their god will reward them for.


A better question is how do YOU feel about that? But I've got a pretty good idea how you feel about anything I say.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 12, 2011 at 8:53pm
How do you feel about that?
Comment by Snagg on April 12, 2011 at 7:18pm



No.....And it underlines what I'm talking about that you think that's what I meant.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 12, 2011 at 6:29pm
So it's your belief that I'm here to make you laugh?
Comment by Snagg on April 12, 2011 at 5:27pm
Larry....You need to see a specialist about your inability to actually understand the things you read. Or did you intentionally misinterpret almost half of my last post?

I'm not kidding. You have displayed a noticeably poor degree of reading comprehension for some time now. I usually chalk it up to stupidity (And I could still be right; One doesn't have to be smart to have a cognition defect), but your constant skewings of what I and others have written add up, in all probability, to one of two things: You are deliberately botching other poster's meaning in a distinctly lame attempt at humor, or you really, really don't understand what people are posting.


A reading comprehension defect is nothing to be ashamed of - God knows, with your politics and sense of what's "funny", you already have plenty to be embarrassed about - But if you are doing it on purpose, and think you're being witty and wise, then you really are even more of a clueless, smug fundamentalist asshole than I thought you were. And I thought you were 'WAY up there.

I have a sick sense of humor, Larry, and I can laugh at a lot of things that other people think is wrong, but you....You are NOT funny. It's not a matter of taste or personal preference - You seem to think that simply taking another person's post and chopping it up into something that they didn't actually say, without making any sort of point or affect other than underlining your contempt for them is gut-busting, Swiftian satire. You could not be more wrong.


I really am serious about this, Lawrence. I'm not expressing distaste for your beliefs or personal feelings about America or Jeebus or Michelle Bachmann - I'm asking any other TBD'ers reading this comment list to tell me - Is Larry "funny", or does he just think he is? Or is he just a troll? Who else here thinks that Mr. Bates really understands the posts and ideas that he so casually distorts and insults? I can debate and argue 'til the cows come home, Larr - But you have a real tendency to cut and run when things start getting more intense than you like to deal with. I know you like to bluster and dismiss me and Pacis with grumpy  "You Two Are Beneath Me" and "Glenn Beck And Jesus Say I'm Right" grumblings, but from where I sit, you puss out and avoid a question or change the subject rather than defend your positions, as your punk-ass buddy Macon usually did. The question is, do you do that because you're really that full of yourself? Or is it because you really suck at reading?

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 12, 2011 at 2:47pm

Nope, just an understandable mistake.  Every time I've make a post here since late in February, you two have been showing up together like the Bobsey twins to anwer it.

BTW Snagg, it takes more than you two have got to piss me off.  But I am curious about your use of the pergorative "queer".  I thought  using that term for the LBGT crowd was considered politicaly incorrect, I'm shocked, just shocked!

Comment by Snagg on April 12, 2011 at 10:42am

Oh, I get it. Larry's implying that you and I are a twosome, Pacis, because we agree on a lot of things that piss him off. Therefore, we must be a gay couple, because any decent person knows that to disagree with a conservative Jesus-sucker means that you're not just wrong and evil, but you must be  queer, too. And gay people are all, like, stupid and icky. Like girls are.

Larry thinks he's cleverly insulting us, in that ignorant, third-grade bully way of his...

Comment by Lawrence Bates on April 12, 2011 at 9:00am
Not "you".   "You girls",  I may possibly  be guilty of making the assumption that you two are an item, if so, sorry.

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