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Started by Trish. Last reply by Trish Nov 28, 2012.
Yep, the media crawling all over Palin's e-mails was pathetic. The worst kind of lazy muckraking.
Doesn't make HER any less of an idiot, though. Ain't NOTHING going to change that.
The outlook isn’t brilliant for the mainstream nine these days
The foul record of their favorite’s led the party to malaise
When the economy died at first, and Weiner did the same
A sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game
A straggling few got up to go, in deep despair. The rest
Clung to that hope which "springs eternal in the human breast
If only we could smear that Palin, put some nasty in her trunk
Some kind of filth in those emails, we’re sure to find some junk
Then from five thousand throats and more there rose a lusty yell
It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell
It knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the hill
For the mighty mainstream media, was advancing to the kill
There was ease in MSNBC’s manner as they stepped into their place;
There was pride in Huffington’s bearing and a smile on CNN's face,
And when, responding to the cheers, they asked the public’s aid,
No stranger on the left could doubt they’d stop her cavalcade
Ten thousand eyes were on them as they searched in vain for dirt
Five thousand tongues were cheering, Obie’s downfall to avert.
We must bury this strong woman, this symbol of the right
We progressives will not go, this peacefully, into that night
Oh! somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light.
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Demville -- mighty media has Struck Out.
So with hearts light and laughing, conservatives point to the ultimate Czar
And instruct their children to remember with a Hearty Har, Har, Har!
So, Professor....I take it you are you choosing to NOT shine a light on our perceptual darkness? To demonstrate to us the bedrock flaw in our mutual cogitation that earns your condemnation of "double-thinking"? To rip the veil of misperception and sociological error from our squinty li'l eyes?
I really, really, REALLY want you to explain it to me, Larry Emeritus. Come on,...IMPRESS me. For ONCE. Don't just re-quote some of Glenn Beck's paranoid tripe that loses what little meaning it had after it's removed from it's incoherent context, cause we don't watch Glenn and we wouldn't have the proper reference points. Don't just jerk yourself off and lay down another one of your patented (and pointless) smirking putdowns that illuminate nothing but your inability to stand your own ground and back up your preening bullshit with some actual facts. Don't just chicken out again, Larry, as it appears you've already started to do. Don't be a bullshit liar ALL your life, ya smug fuck. Prove SOMETHING, other than your typical inability to do anything but sneer at people who already know you're full of shit.
I'm calling your bluff, Ace. Lay 'em on the table. Me, I think you're a pussy. Just like Macon, Cardan, AlienKen, Tom Mick and the rest of the loudmouthed lunatic right screwheads who have all tucked their tails between their legs and snuck away. You're all that's left, Larry. Show SOME balls for once.
Put your fat mouth on the line
Lol...... no need for me to put my fat mouth on the line, Snagg, you've saved me that trouble over and over by not being able to control yours.
Pac, Yawn.
Then, O Wise One - EXPLAIN it to us.
Go on. You like to give the inpression that you've got aaaaaall the answers. Here's your chance to put not one, but TWO dirty stinking liberals in their proper place. Show us, professor, where we're "double-minded" and incorrect.
But you're going to have to do it yourself. We're obviously too stupid to help you teach us the error of our ways. Come on, Big Talker. Put your fat mouth on the line, for once, if you've got the nerve. Which you don't. Analyze and highlight exactly where we used "double-thinking" - And No Fair just running to Coulter's or Beck' playbooks and declaring that we're automatically wrong and stupid just because we're liberals. Nope, don't be a lazy coward again, Larry, not when you've got this Golden Opportunity to strike a blow for your fellow ignorant superstitious rednecks and self-righteous morons all over this great country that you think belongs to you.
Yep, the first analogy that comes from pac is to compare me to someone with a learning disability also. You two don't even have a clue how double minded your thinking is.
So, now you’re saying that blacks who are undereducated have learning disabilities? You never stop do you?
And in case you still haven’t realized it, the only person here that I’m making fun of here, besides pac occasionally, is you.
Is that REALLY what you think I was talking about, Larry? Or do you think you're being "funny" again?
Either way, you're completely wrong. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here.
On the other hand, if you actually do understand what I was saying, and this was your idea of a joke - Insulting people with learning disabilities in the process, all for the sake of your pathetic idea of putting one over me - Then you're fucking beneath contempt.
And it's still entirely possible that you're too fucking stupid to realize that, and too much of a textbook schoolyard bully to feel any shame for it. The kind of coward who makes fun of handicapped people behind their backs, and afterwards struts around like he's a badass. A lot like that loudmouthed pussy Steve Macon, your bibble class study buddy, who threatens people from the safety of the other side of the world, and then cries when he gets his wrist slapped.
So, what's the truth? "Come On, Let It All Out", as you like to say. I already KNOW that you're a coward, Larry - The question is, are you a liar, too?
So, who do you view with the most distain, Snagg, undereducated blacks or Christians?
What about undereducated black Christians? Come on, let it all out.
Larry, you remind me of a guy I argued with on the original TBD. Disturbingly uneducated, couldn't write a coherent sentence, spelled atrociously, if it wasn't couched in (to him) biblical relevance he wasn't interested. He frequently didn't have the faintest idea what we were talking about, and he "reasoned" that the only possible explanation for that was because WE weren't saved by the blood of the lamb, like him. He claimed to be a farmer from the south, one night he said something exceptionally hypocritical, and I commented "There's a case of the pot calling the kettle black". He immediately denounced me as a bigot and reported me to the moderator. After the mod showed up and we worked it all out, it turned out that this guy was an African-American crop farmer, had never even made it all the way out of grade school, and was so poorly read and uncultured that he had actually never heard the phrase "A Pot Calling The Kettle Black', but had absolutely convinced himself that it HAD to be an ethnic slur of some kind.
You really remind me of him, in the sense that you aren't even aware of how badly you're misinterpreting the world around you, if only in the way you respond to posts here on TBD. And, like him, you're so thoroughly marinated in a mindset of of always being "right", simply because of your particular faith and political beliefs (And not because of any serious thought, consideration or exposure to possible viewpoints), that you have a completely erroneous conviction regarding your ability to totally and completely understand the things you're responding to.
It might also be ADHD on your part, a processing error in your reading comprehension abilities, and if that's the case then you (As the other guy did) have my sympathy and encouragement to find out from a certified diagnostician if you do have a learning impediment. I'm serious about this, Larry. If you do have clinical difficulty reading, I'm not criticizing or insulting you in any intentional way.
I'm thinking that you don't even grasp what this post I'm writing means.
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