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Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 19, 2011 at 9:42am

Try to keep focused here, Pac.  The park ranger who lives down the road, who happens to be a friend of mine, would never attempt to do something so stupid as your idea of approving Trillions in deficits. He is actually connected to reality and knows that his job description doesn’t include anything like that.  What he does do, is vote for people and issues that he perceives will protect his job and interests.  This means that he will vote for the person or party that he thinks will guide the most money into his area of work and into his wallet.  When he and his neighbor, who is a janitor at the High school are added together, they begin to become  what we call a “special interest” or sometimes a voting bloc.  When someone runs for office that talks about reducing budgets, they start to get nervous.  Is a light bulb becoming to come on here, for you?

Neither  my friend the park ranger, whom you bring up to boost your lame argument, nor the school janitor are federal employees, but never the less, you then switch canoes in the middle of the river to try to shrink the issue to just Federal employees.     How much time did you waste researching numbers of federal employees way back to 1962, and to what purpose?  To change the parameters of the argument?   That’s rather frivolous.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 19, 2011 at 9:14am

I’ll say this in a short post, Snagg, so your mind doesn’t drift away.    “GE, Exxon and other megacorps” do what is best for their shareholders, as is their fiduciary duty.  This means avoiding any taxes that they legally can. Note the word legally, that’s important to keep you from running off into your liberal  programing.

Now the people who make the tax laws, are the same people from both major parties and some minor ones,  who accept large campaign donations from “GE, Exxon and other megacorps”. 

I’ll go out on a limb here and guess that you don’t pay any taxes that you aren’t legally required to either.  So that leaves you in the position of being jealous that you can’t influence lawmakers to the degree that  “GE, Exxon and other megacorps” and some others do. 

Here’s where your progressive conditioning usually kicks in.  You line up with torches and pitchforks in front of the corporate offices of  “GE, Exxon and other megacorps”,  instead of joining the tea party and lining up in Washington DC, where the changes have to be made.

Don’t you get tired of being so ineffective?
Comment by Snagg on August 18, 2011 at 3:01pm

Yeah, Right. GE, Exxon and other megacorps so desperately WANTED to pay taxes, but the mean ol' GOVERNMENT wouldn't LET'em!


Jesus H, Bates - THINK about what yer posting much?

Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 18, 2011 at 2:59pm
oops, I ended up with a dangling sentence fragment there.
Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 18, 2011 at 2:56pm

No, pac, it’s you who are missing the point.  That point is, the Government on all levels, and their rabid need to hold what they have and gain more in the process,  IS the biggest special interest. 

 The number of   employees in the defense and security industries, even counting the ones who are actual government employees doesn’t hold a candle to the total number of government employees, nor do they control anywhere near as much money.  They “hold in their pockets”  virtually all Republican and Democratic office holders.  As Pogo would say, “they is us.”  They have saddled us with every penny of the deficit.

They  most certainly do advertize themselves in the yellow pages and have web sites.   They can do this, because they are not generally recognized as a special interest.  People of your political persuasion depend on the public not knowing about such mega-voting blocs as government employees and people on government assistance, all of whom are presumed by the left to be most likely to vote for progressives.

The “military industry” that you decry, is kept in business by government employees, but, nice try at muddying up the already ambiguous term “special interests”..

Your next paragraph decrying multitrillion dollar deficit spending is utter hogwash, considering that you love Obama so much.

Your accusations of racism and calling me a “Christian” I dismiss as your usual meaningless blather.

Finally, I think that you have mistaken me for some dummy that thinks George W was a conservative.  I intend to see government change so that we will not be seeing the likes of W nor Obie for a long, long time.


Snagg, It's called free enterprise and the place to control it is not to punish the business man who sells the product to the government which they asked to buy.  Rather the place needing some control is who we put in those offices.


Don't whine about tax ditching corporations, ditch the politicians that make it possible, and if you're talking about mega-corporations like GE, maybe investigate into who's political coffers their tax money went in the last presidential election.


The place to control it, is to control who you put in office to do the

Comment by Snagg on August 18, 2011 at 1:03pm

The figures I saw said that government-owned BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES and ACREAGE jumped approximately 13% during the mad dash to provide "security" in the immediate years after 9/11, but the exact number of EMPLOYEES, at least in the anti-terrorism programs, is confidential. There can be educated guesses, but no public certainty.


Defense contractors and related security firms have gotten very, very rich - or richer, as the case may be - as a direct result of 9/11, but there has been a distinct lack of non-security related jobs, except in low-wage, benefit free, high-turnover shit jobs, like fast food or WalMart. None of which, by the way, are bleeding the American taxpayer dry, as the Keep-'Em-Scared-And-They'll-Pay-For-Anything ghouls do.


And for the gov't/private sector job ratio discrepancies: Repeat: Your tax-ditching corporations HAVE NOT created jobs, as they promised they would - Except, perhaps, in the field of hiring PR dirtbags to fill your pointed little head with inaccurate-but-quotable statistics. Or, in other words, a jump in the number of bullshit shovelers. The increases in gov't payroll, at ANY percentage, versus the flat, fat zero of private sector jobs, is going to look bad, as long as people don't want to hold those private sector honchos responsible for anything.


I've heard Teabaggers bellyache about the cost of Homeland Security ONLY when it directly inconveniences them and people whom they sympathize with - As in, longer lines and more invasive procedures at airport security checkpoints, stricter gun control or the idea of gov't spooks peeking in their windows and bank accounts. When it comes to domestic & world-wide surveillance of muslims, spying on e-mail, the invasion of non-teabagger's privacy or any other aspect of anti-terrorism work that doesn't directly annoy them, they couldn't care less about it's size.


American big businesses have gotten quite good at convincing a large part of the electorate that it's the party that they don't like that is responsible for the disappearing jobs, and not the boards of directors who ship those jobs off of American soil. I blame neither the republicans or the democrats for NOT creating jobs - I blame them both for running defense for the greedy bastards that COULD be helping, but won't. The repubs seem to be quite a bit more in corporation's pockets than the dems, so they should shoulder a larger part of the blame.

Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 18, 2011 at 10:04am



OK, I admit it, this ones just for it's irritation value:




Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 18, 2011 at 9:29am

Here’s a little more about special interest money.   Whoa………  It’s even being reported by the AP.   What’s up wit dat?

Sure the Republicans  aren’t turning those dollars down either, but they’re not being two faced about it.




Comment by Lawrence Bates on August 18, 2011 at 9:28am

Still isn't 15%.

The fact that I provided documentation from your own far left sources showing that you are full of hot air, must have gone over your head while you were out there on the airplane wing.  I guess if you want to battle it out with the CFR, you can, but you’ll never get anywhere without some documentation to back what, so far, is your own crackpot opinion.


…….while either sloppily or deliberately avoiding the fact that when the private sector jobs vanish, ANY increase in gov't jobs will appear much larger in comparison.

Wake up Bozo, the percentage of increase that you are so busy denying,  is purely an increase in government jobs over the last decade.  There is no connection to private sector jobs in the percentage that you wish would go away.


It's also worth noting, I'd bet dollars to donuts that the same "patriots" behind that video are the same kind of screaming wusses who BEGGED the Big Bad Government to CREATE those shadowy Homeland Security employees, to protect them from the non-existent hordes of muslim suicide bombers that your republicans assured them were out there, hiding under every bed and behind every ACLU office.

You are, once more, woefully misinformed.   We tea partiers have been against the unbridled growth of the department of homeland security, from the inception of the movement.  If the TSA and DHS were at all efficient in their duties, they wouldn’t need to grow, they just need to do the job they’re paid for, instead of spending most of their energy on self perpetuation and growth.



"CEO's of Medicare & SS" - I'm well aware that they don't actually exist. Yet. But who do you think will be in charge after those programs are privatized?


If you were aware of that, why would you bring up such an idiotic idea?   The SS program could very easily be put back to it’s original condition, (the SS trust fund) before you Democrats decided to raid it for that tempting money that belongs to someone else.  Even if it were privatized, the people who would be in charge, would be folks much like those that are in charge of my other retirement sources, whom I trust and who so far haven’t robbed me.  And before you ask, yes, I have been paying into my private retirement just as long as I’ve been paying into my SS account.


  And yeah, Johnson let the vultures gang up on SS. Kinda the same way repubs boxed Clinton into a corner and rammed NAFTA through - To "protect" American jobs.

I’m not claiming that the New World Order cancer has never existed in the Republican Party, just that some of us are in the process of rooting it out of the party instead of fertilizing it like you lefties do.

Comment by Snagg on August 18, 2011 at 6:24am

There is no exact documentation to back up the number of new employees under the Homeland Security umbrella, for security reasons, and I understand that. But that is still, far and away, where the jump in gov't jobs has come from in the last decade. Still isn't 15%.


I'M not saying that the gov't payroll blew up because jobs went overseas - Your VIDEO, comparing the rate of difference between gov't and private sector job increases, implies that the swelling of gov't jobs is a vast self-serving conspiracy, while either sloppily or deliberately avoiding the fact that when the private sector jobs vanish, ANY increase in gov't jobs will appear much larger in comparison. If your precious corporations had kept their empty promises of creating jobs in exchange for tax breaks, that gap wouldn't be NEARLY so large. Your video is full of spun facts and carefully excluded mitigating factors, much like your religion. You should sign up as one of Michelle Bachmann's fact-averse followers - If her hubby doesn't give you the heebie-jeebies too much, that is.


It's also worth noting, I'd bet dollars to donuts that the same "patriots" behind that video are the same kind of screaming wusses who BEGGED the Big Bad Government to CREATE those shadowy Homeland Security employees, to protect them from the non-existent hordes of muslim suicide bombers that your republicans assured them were out there, hiding under every bed and behind every ACLU office. Now that the BILLS for that huge new agency and it's offshoots are impossible to ignore, of course these same "patriots" are bitching and grumbling about the "size of government" and are desperately trying to find somebody else to pay the tab.


"CEO's of Medicare & SS" - I'm well aware that they don't actually exist. Yet. But who do you think will be in charge after those programs are privatized? The "People"? Whatta rube.


And yeah, Johnson let the vultures gang up on SS. Kinda the same way repubs boxed Clinton into a corner and rammed NAFTA through - To "protect" American jobs.


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