TBD on Ning


The next time I hear someone compare Obama to Nazis, or his health care plan to Nazis, I swear I'm going to punch the wall. What exactly was the Nazi Health Care Plan anyway? I've never heard anyone explain that to me.

Tags: Care, Health, Politics, Stupidity

Views: 15

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If there was one it would have been about ensuring the health of the elite master race, which sounds more like what we have now, than what the President is trying to implement.
I think they use that because Commi doesn't carry the same punch anymore.
I believe their plan for some was to "Get them in shape" by forced labor and starvation.
I missed that one...got a link?
Oh, the Germans have had Universal Healthcare since the 1880's. So, you can't really blame the Nazi's for it. Let's be real. There are a lot of people out there that don't want the sick profit margins that healthcare makes to go away. Doctors will make less money, insurance companies will make less money, pharmaceutical companies will make less money, and generally, people will have a better quality of care for less money while the aforementioned industries continue to chug along. The fear being sold as propaganda right now, is to keep a select few richer than God.
I say if the Right Wingers force no health care reform at all by calling it Socialistic that we should end Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and VA health care. And a roll call vote in the Senate and US House should be called to pass this and see what the majority in this country really believes about government involvement and responsibility in the social services area. I wonder how many Republican voters would vote for this?
And we can also end war! After all, what is warfare but one giant, Socialist assault on another nation?
The last two doctors I've had have left the field, within the past 3 years. Both cited the exact same reason: The interference they receive from the insurance companies prevents them from practicing medicine, in any meaningful, helpful way.




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