Pullin' a Palin
1. Quitting when the going gets tough; abandoning the responsibility entrusted to you by your neighbors for book advances and to make money on the lecture circuit.
2. Bizarre move that will damn ambitions for higher office.
Hiking the Appalachian Trail
To have an extramarital affair in another country, especially South America.
Senator Craig
Solicting homosexual sex in a public men's room.
Wide Stance
Naivete' term coined by U.S. Senator Larry Craig meaning a commodious position on a toilet seat so as not to have one's trousers fall to the floor, often with shoes of said person assuming the position touching the shoes of those in neighboring stalls. In reality, wide stance simply is 'trolling for homosexual sex in a public toilet.' It is a signal of interest for such activity.
Tags: Urban Dictionary, humor, republicans