The war of ideas between liberals and conservatives and resistence to change I see coming from the "so called" patriotic right just seems to continue and get worse.
Perhaps it is time to consider the breakup of the US. The "Red States" would be allowed to secede
and the blue states could stay a part of the US. I say let the conservatives try it their way (they already did and failed in leading the US) in their own private states. They could have NO UNIONS, pay no taxes and be "free" to pursue unregulated capitalism. It would be interesting to see how their ideas would turn out if left unchecked. Of course they would receive no aid from the US Federal govt since they wouldnt be part of it. I am sure they could find a "non socialist" way to create fire fighters, police and all the things that "Big Government" provides for them in the US. I am sure that those with the big money would just donate to these causes out of the goodness of their hearts. I am sure the riches of the Big business money makers in these "right to work" states would "trickle down" to those employed in these profitable businesses. Illegal aliens could be dealt with in whatever way the newly declared sovereign nation decided. The homeless and disenfranchised would, of course, pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Why not give them a chance to see their ideas come to fruition?
Tags: New, Red, US, blue, conservative, politics, state