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The always controversial Fox News Channel commentator Glenn Beck said he believes President Barack Obama is a racist during an appearance on the morning show Fox & Friends.

As reported by The Associated Press, he said President Obama "has exposed himself as a person with 'a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.'"

"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people," Beck stated. "He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

Dickhead, I mean Glenn Beck

Fox host Brian Kilmeade did not seem to agree, and reminded Beck that most of the people who work for the President Barack Obama are white.

The comments came in the context of the president's reaction to the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr., Harvard University scholar, over a misunderstanding that has made huge headlines and put the police officer involved, Sgt. James Crowley, under a very bright spotligh.

The issue originated after Gates, who is black, was arrested for disorderly conduct by Crowley, who is white, in what started as a mistake and has escalated into a national racial issue.

As is well known, Barack Obama's first reaction was to say that the police acted "stupidly" in a news conference. Later, he softened the blow by inviting Crowley to the White House for a meeting over beers. Glenn Beck, on his part, wondered whether another president would have had the same first reaction to criticize the police.

According to the article, Fox News senior vice president of programming Bill Shine spoke to the TVNewser website and said that Beck had "expressed a personal opinion which represented his own views, not those of the Fox News Channel. And as with all commentators in the cable news arena, he is given the freedom to express his opinions."

On Glenn Beck's website, a blog post says, "Here is the surprise of the century -- Glenn gave an opinion that liberal bloggers disagree with! Stop the presses everybody, Glenn Beck and liberal bloggers disagree on something!" An audio file posted on the site has his comments, and "Glenn's response to the angry liberal blog-o-sphere-- the common sense explanation that they will not understand nor accept anyway."

Glenn Beck did not mention the episode on his Fox show on Tuesday, and an Obama spokesman, William Burton, said the White House had no comment on his comments.

Tags: Glenn Beck, Obama, racist

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LMAO, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black!
Oh I agree with all of you - especially about the Being There, the Peter Sellers movie - but what's really scary to me are our senators (R) implying racism is an issue for our next Supreme Court justice. These people are elected! Others out there don't just watch them on TV and laugh - they vote for them.

I can only watch MSNBC - and I have normal blood pressure - but even there, when Pat Buchanan starts on the same "oh no, black President, (wise) Latino Supreme Court Justice, woe for the white men who built this country! (on the backs of slaves, as Keith and Rachel point out) I find myself getting furious, and then afraid, because their are too many ignorant people out there that will buy into this.
There is no surprises there, Fox Tabloid is well known for that. He lives of of outlandish and over the top comments. The guy - Rupert Murdoch and his family empire is all about money. Murdoch has never been for news or truth, throught his careers he is shown to be manipulative, devious, bullying, ruthless and unscrupulous. He is all about getting politicians in his pocket and hence getting into political power for mischievous personal ends. For him it is the currency to secure a bigger and better deal or to consolidate current ones. He contibutes for both parties. So Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and the rest the Clowns are perfect for him. For Murdoch it is all about ratings and almighty $$. Has any one watched Beck with crocodile tears. The sad part of this is we have so many robotic herds amongest us who believe and cite those clowns as a good sources of information during discussions and yes even in newspaper,the editorial and opinion columns.

Whooopi was right...a lying sack of dog...mess.
"People love to gawk at the weird, the odd, and the criminally insane don't they? "

Which is what makes The National Enquirer the nation's LEADING 'news magazine" year after year after year!
Beck is just doing what Rush is so good at. They say things that are really out on the fringe and it draws attention which makes their shows more popular. The sad thing is that too many people agree with them, including those in positions of power. It would not surprise me if some other Right Winger suggests that Obama plans on killing only the WHITE old people with his proposed health care reform. Maybe I should not have suggested that with all the crazies out there!
Wow. He hates white people, but wait, he doesn't, I just believe he's a racist. Consider the source. What's Glenn do for fun when Whoopie Goldberg isn't chastising him for being a liar, and he's not melting down on a listener on the air? He's stroking that magnificent ego, getting it bigger and bigger. People in media. Dangerous when they believe their own hype.

If you've never seen "A Face in the Crowd", you should. It's amazing how the same things keep happening over and over.




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