TBD on Ning

After this past weekend, and watching the two town hall meetings that the President conducted, I see the cRyght in deeper trouble now than any other time. We hear from their pundits that Health Care Reform is President Obama's Waterloo. Perhaps they should look in the mirror a bit more closely.

It is obvious, even from those who had serious, probing questions who were obviously NOT fans of his, that Americans want affordable health care. The numbers don't lie...within the next ten years, WITHOUT some sort of government control, no company in this country is going to be able to afford any kind of health care policy for their workers...and no private citizen will be able to afford it either.

The nay-sayers on the cRyght want to point at tort reform, but what they don't point out is that less than 5% of the law suits filed in this country have to do with medical malpractice, and most of those never make it into the courts. While I agree that some sort of tort reform should be examined, it is not an essential part of any sort of medical care reform.

SO, the immediate backlash could well be that there will be enough angry people who show up at their local town halls...people with serious questions...who 1) will be denied their opportunity to participate because some busload of cRyghtwing crackpots outshout them, making them really pissed off..not at health care...but at the cRyght, or 2) will finally stand nose to nose with the idiots and tell them to sit down and shut up and let others speak, as happened during Arlen Specter's town hall. This is the immediate back lash.

Once national health care reform is passed, is implemented, and all the chicken little gloom and doom evaporates like bad gas, what will the voters remember come election time? Those that fought FOR passage, those who worked quietly behind the scenes to see some rationality in the legislation? Or those who stood in the way, cried chicken little, coined and used terms like Death Panels? I wonder what the odds of someone like that being re-elected will be?

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One of the potential problems with the whole passage of a plan remains the possibility of sabotage to the bill from within the legislature during drafting and negotiations.

I suspect Americans intuitively tend to sense that possibility, and that is a source of some of the unnamed fear and rage.
There is a commercial running here for a practice called Ponce Law. He is a typical lawyer but he makes one good point. He says they are constantly talking about frivolous lawsuits but they are only frivolous if it has happened to someone else. I bet that if we had tort reform and then some big time Republican was killed by a bad surgeon they would be trying to sue.




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