TBD on Ning

Gang, I see that this has already been touched on in the discussion forum, with the posting of the Times article, but I'd like to throw in my own comments on the issue. From reading the article, and from watching news reports, I had a reaction that actually struck me as genuine fear. I want readers to understand that I am more moderate politically, with a lean to the left, and I prefer to do my own thinking on any given topic, and to not follow party lines. I also should VERY clearly point out that there are few groups of men and women left on the earth that deserve respect and public accolades/commendation much like the soldiers that are in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are stuck in the middle of a terrible situation, much like soldiers have found themselves in any given conflict throughout recorded history, and they deserve nothing that even hints at condemnation. They are doing what they are told, when they are told to do it, and that is all. What they have to go through on a daily basis is a terrible insult to the sensitivities that we over here so take for granted, and we owe them heartfelt, sincere thanks for their service.

With that, I blame this squarely on the politicians. Please, if I am wrong, feel free to offer different ideas and/or perspectives, but surely I cannot be the only one who has a very uncomfortable reaction to the situation with the small combat commando teams. I listened with that shiver that I described above as I listened to a report that indicated small Special Forces teams, as well as CIA teams, were ordered on paramilitary missions without any real coherent government oversight, and given clear directions to eliminate specific targets. In shorter terms, we had military, CIA and possibly even Blackwater kill teams roaming the countryside, looking to kill specified targets; they were assassins in uniform. The government and people at large knew little to nothing about this, as these were kept in only the highest offices in the White House.

Now, true, one of the roles of Special Forces units is small, independent actions that require more stealth and skill than large-scale military operations, and these sorts of actions have been occurring in every war we've ever been in. Spies, intelligence and counter-intelligence experts, covert operations have been with us since the guys in wigs signed the paperwork in Philadelphia establishing United States, Inc. as an independent enterprise. Fine, no argument. But perhaps that's because many of the operations were against specific military opponents, or units who were there to disrupt the activities of our fighting men and women. These are kill squads who are sent against targets who, if anything, spend countless hours trying to EVADE those soldiers. True, they are very bad people who are capable of destroying much of what we live and breathe for, and they should be brought to justice in some form or fashion. But if that was the sole reason for the kill teams' existence, why hide that from the government and people? Why does it strike me as highly unsettling that we had numerous teams of highly skilled killers stalking and killing human prey, without any of us knowing? Why does it seem like overkill to send military teams, the CIA, and yes, the Blackwater Boys all at the same time?

I'm not sure what to think about it, but I know for more than a few minutes, I was terrified as to what the previous administration was capable of, and now I'm even more glad that they're gone.

Thank you for listening.

Tags: government, overkill, terrorism, unconstitutional

Views: 16

Replies to This Discussion

I was terrified the entire time the previous administration was in power. Used to work with some of them years ago so I knew they were capable of anything. I am also concerned about the effect this has on the people who are trained to kill indiscriminately and what happens when they stop and try to live in 'normal' society again. I've met some of the mercenaries when I lived near Blackwater and they did maneuvers on our land once. I couldn't wrap my head around them or their scene and stopped it. Started playing music with their special forces instructor though. He was great piano player and singer but went nuts on me after too many helicopters & uniforms landing at his house prompted me to ask if he still worked with government. Secret... A man I used to see was in special forces in Vietnam, same as the piano player. He would wake up screaming in the middle of the night and finally told me why. He was made a sniper at 18 and hidden from everyone else. Phenomenal load of guilt he carried that he never spoke before or since and I don't either. It was going on then and never revealed. People like him sworn to top secrecy. I was married for 18 years and never knew anything my ex husband did after he was drafted. Top secret clearance. Again. And now he has delayed onset PTSD as do all the others. I agree with you that Iraq was total overkill and extremely unsettling what is done in our name. Several years before I dreamed the election of Obama, I dreamed the rise and fall of the house of Bush. Haven't read the news today but will do so. I have been waiting for karma to catch up with them. Thank you.
Unfortunately I don't think this is anything new. I think it is something that has accidently slipped into the spotlight of the media. Who by the way is ruthless!!! The amirican public wonders why so many other countires hate us. This is one of the many reasons. There are many acts that occurr without the knowledge of the general public or the politicians. My aunt was a missionary in Africa and the middle east. She saw a large number of horrible acts committed by the US. People disappeared, or were frequently paid to look the other way. Is it right? NO! Is it a reality yes. You are quite correct in you fear Brian. We should all be pretty scared.
Your video links are bad.
The thing about taking any military action without our representatives at least being told about it that bothers me is how far could a thing like this go, suppose they had planed to use these actions to take over our own government. No one is safe from power hungry people that think they have a right to order killings using our military as though it where their private army While they ignore the law. I think they had become so arrogant that they thought they could do what ever they wished and let the people and their democracy be damned.
Abuse of power is not new but very rarely in the history of the US has it reached the level it reached in the Bush Administration. VP Cheney has held this misguided belief that the President is above all other laws since he worked in the Nixon White House. Remember Nixon said "if the President does it. it is not illegal". Let us just hope that every thing they did and who did it will eventually come out in the open.
We need to total disband the CIA adn fire them all..... and build a real Intelligence Dept.... They should never be engaged in any action that is intended to conduct warfare.. that is the job of the military.. The CIA has been a rouge operation far too long....and has been a personal military unit to a few right wing ass holes like Cheney, and it contains to many arrogant people who think they are above the law. Their history is full of blunders and mistakes and they have caused much trouble in this world.. They are a disgrace to America




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