TBD on Ning

What pets did you have growing up?  Tell us about them.

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dogs,guinea pigs hamsters gerbils mice tropical fish,a whistle pig a duck.

Flipper, you had a groundhog, seriously?  Where'd you get a groundhog?  I googled whistle pig 'cause I'd never heard of that and it says groundhog.  What do groundhogs do?  Where do you keep them?

For me, it was just an Easter chick that turned into a huge rooster with blue coloring under its wings.  Also, a beagle that turned into a huge beagle who used to drag me around when I "walked" him and I do mean literally dragged me around sometimes.  I was a wee, sma' girl and after 2 or 3 draggings and scabby knees, I quit trying to walk him.

Yes, I know I've told that story before, but you asked.

when we were kids we had this huge cage in our back yard.we would catch all kinds of critters,stick them in the cage,but after a few days my pop would turn them loose,so we would catch more critters.

aw, that's neat!  Which one of you is that under the bridge???

that would be me,catching crawfish.

I thought it was a Troll

the resemblance is uncanny.




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