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What do you hate being asked?

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Used to hate getting asked these questions but in recent yrs. I've started wishing more people would ask me becuz I've finally come up with some fun answers (fun for me, anyway):

1) Why did you never have kids? and

2) Why don't you go to church?

Only thing I don't like being asked nowadays is, "What do you like to do for fun?" When I answer, "You know, I don't which I enjoy more, reading or thinking about what I've read", they always turn their nose up at that.

The one that gets me the most is  "How old are you"?   I have five biological kids and people use to ask me if I was catholic, of course I am but that is not why I have 5 kids, that was my response.

what is my problem.

Would you like to stay on the line and take a survey?

Don't you think you've already had enough to drink?

"Would you be interested in taking a survey for our site?"  Other than the "Yes" or "No" buttons, they need to have 1 that says "Hell, no & don't ever ask me this again!"

You know officerripley, I love your answers. You are still leading an active, creative life. You read and cultivate an active mind. It keeps one from stagnation doesn't it?

Carrie, I also have 5 children. People don't have as many children these days, but I guarantee you are not a bored person, nor are you lonely. I know in my life that if someone finds it necessary to to criticize me, it is because of their own shortcomings, or flat out jealousy. I bet you and officerrippley would be very cool to spend time with. Just saying.

Thanks, imagine! :-) This made me remember something funny that happened back in the late 60s or early 70s; I was talking to a hippie gal (not just a wanna-be, she lived in a commune & everything) & she asked me what I liked to do for fun.  I said "Read." She got a disgusted look on her face & said, "Read?! That's terrible! Don't you realize how escaping like that shuts you off from the world & other people?!"  I said, "Well, we all need to escape sometimes; how do *you* escape?"  And she proudly says, "I macrame!" (Wonder what she woulda said if I told her, "You know, your disgust of reading makes you sound just like all the cheerleaders & jocks at my high school." :D)

Do you work here? while I shop at walmart.

you must be wearing clothes that match theirs or else you just look dependable and in charge

Do twins run in your family? (I have two sets of twin grandchildren.)

Answer: NO!!




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