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If you could enact a law immediately, what would it be?

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to get rid of all the non-sensical laws.

Tim, you've just got to stop stealing my answers!! 

I was going to say I want a law that we could only pass 3 new laws a year. And get rid of some we already have. 

Great minds, and all that.....right?

i was gonna say what you just said,,HOLY SMOKE

we're a coupla geniuses

No texting or phoning while in motion.

When your state has a death penalty that the people voted to keep it ought to be used when warranted instead of housing cop killers serial rapist/killers and the like in cozy cells with TV, the internet, free medical care and better food than many of the law abiding citizens.

Hear, hear!!

hey Johnie

I know I have said this SOMEWHERE else but unless I go into politics, this law will probably never be passed ANYWAY. I think before a new mother leaves the hospital with her newborn, she (and perhaps the father also) needs to pass a PARENTING class. I mean basic common sense parenting to avoid some STUPID things people do that lead to harm of their child. SOME of the "basics" which I hear too many accidental deaths (or extreme harm) happen" DONT leave your baby unattended for a second if it means they could fall off a surface, drown, or be harmed by another small child or pet. DONT leave your baby/child in a car for "ONLY 5 minutes"...not to run in for their diapers, a book of stamps, or a gallon of milk! DONT go to your neighbors house for a cup of coffee while your 3 year old is sleeping. AND....I wont EVEN go into the truly neglectful cases I have heard such as women leaving sleeping kids in car while they went in to have ONE beer!

My argument is there are SO MANY kids in foster care that may or may NOT be in there if their parents were well informed at the time...I KNOW all you are saying, HOW DUMB ARE PEOPLE WHO DONT KNOW THESE BASIC PARENTING SKILLS? I dont know! I only KNOW that the recent generations dont BABYSIT like they used to, they're NOT around children till they have their OWN and on TOP of it all....young people dont seem to POSSESS common sense.

HEY...I figure if ADOPTIVE PARENTS have to go through BACKGROUND checks, psychological profiles, Home visits to see if their home is big enough, clean enough, and ACCEPTABLE and participate in interview upon interview on their "suitability" as parents then I think NATURAL parents should have to "AT THE VERY LEAST"  have some "Parenting classes"!

Johnnieboy...YES!! This is SO OBVIOUS so why are people CONSTANTLY ignoring it?!

HECK....for awhile there I didnt have internet, TV (I have A TV but if I want to watch anything, I stick in a video), NO HEALTHCARE, and NO "on site" excercise room and most of my meals were at the nursing home where I worked my butt off for "peanuts". If I had a cold, hardened  hear (Which many prisons also have now!), I would probably do something really evil just to  get INTO PRISON to have a roof over my head...hey why not??!! MAYBE thats' why people do some of the crazy crap they do!!

Actually, I think some seniors would be better off in prison than in some housing situations.  They'd have a bed to sleep in, three meals a day, a chance to exercise, and medical care.  There are many seniors who are living in extreme poverty and don't eat decently or have heat in winter, or a/c in summer. There, but for the grace of God, go I. 

Karin....I must admit, you are RIGHT about that!! I work with seniors and some of these people have been good people making a difference. I have known good parents, priests, artists, writers, teachers (who I think have one of the most challenging and rewarding careers) but at the end of their life, it doesnt make much of a difference as they are referred to as the PAIN IN THE ASS in room #235 who is ringing their help button AGAIN! I have worked in a nursing home but do prefer home care for seniors but even the millionaires dont always have good care, I hate to say. LUCKILY, I am kind of "head of my crew" and I KNOW my clients are getting the best care even when I am not here. BUT....that is right NOW with the girls we have right NOW. It hasnt always been like that here.

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