TBD on Ning

What do you have a "bunch of", but you did not buy this buncha stuff?

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That's funny Shadowman - I hadn't read otehr people's answers yet! Me too!  Is there anyway to get to them without dying my hands?

No, you are stained until the skin is replaced. The shredded or ground husks are sold in stores to dye things. I try to pick them up before they start to turn brown.  I also have some Horse Chestnuts (not American Chestnut) but only one producing tree.  Nature has many amazing things.


I have bunches of bananas on the banana trees in my back yard -- wish I could get one bunch at a time, but they come in the hundreds!

Wade animal figurines that used to come in boxes of Red Rose tea.

Grapes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, figs, avocados, and palm dates.

got a bunch of macadamia nuts lying on the ground..good for my sling=shot

soon there will be heaps of Mangos falling off trees..yumm....that's if I get them before the fruit=bats and possums




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