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What is an everyday thing that you think will change the most in the next 30 years?

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Fresh water availability and some foods we take for granted now.

water, fresh food and telephone


there will be man made body parts like limbs and teeth and internal organs


30 years from now I WILL be 100 and still dancing to the music

I am that ant moving that rubber tree plant  ~  with high hopes

i don't plan on stickin' around 30 years to find out,but i'm still here,i'll hafta say,medicine? maybe?

Do you mean marriage?

People talking to each other face-to-face.  It's got to come back again because what goes around comes around.  We don't want to end up like those alien cartoons, all brain and no mouth, where they just think to each other.  What are we doing right now?  Thinking to each other!

i'm thinking to you,are you on the same wavelenghth?

...probably "X" rayted  wavelength CaNow. 

I just read today that China has found a whole different way to use satalite so I would guess technology.

As has alway been the way.....most of our new technology was first used in some way in the military.  My son's specialty when he was a Marine was IO (Information/Operations).  Now he works with satellites.  He has told me about the advances in technology that they have that will eventually become part of our everyday life.  It's going to be a very interesting future. 




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