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Clinton's impeachment-era numbers Déjà vu

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Hopefully the republicans are digging themselves a similar hole.

actually it might be the american public has begun to wise up to the right wing FINALLY. there is no real smoke or fire. just an agenda of people trying to gin up blame and controversy to make political capital from any and every circumstance especially with the wackos and hatemongers in whom they keep vesting themselves and their hopes

there really are no scandals per se. this is another in the republican series of screaming and wetting their pants about obama..no matter how or what or how far removed from the white house.
  the irs scandal is that the irs was doing their job. the irs was doing further questioning of 75 teaparty groups that had applied for 501(c)4 tax exempt status. these teaparty/ libertarian gropups had sprouted up like mushrooms after a spring rain. if there were as many sprouting liberal or leftwing groups, they would have been scrutiniozed as well. none were denied their 501(c)4...they just had to answer more questions as to the true nature of their group. were they a social welfare group or a political group because that IS the test of the validity of a 501(c)4 application. the majority of their efforts have to be to promote the societal welfare. being against obama doesn't meet the criteria even if the group members think getting rid of liberals WOULD improve society. this is an example of the 'we are the victims' mentality of a subset of our society that claims that they are under attack if anyone questions them about anything at all

   the seizing of the ap phone records was in furtherance of an investigation into classified information leaks that was called for BY THE REPUBLICANS themselves. the concept was to find out WHO was the person leaking secret information. the leaker is not covered by 'freedom of the press' and the reporters et al were not facing charges unless it could be proved  they knowingly conspired with the person leaking the secrets to obtain those secrets and publish them. the freedom of the press is a red herring across the actual story. but as long as people can be deluded and deceived by the right's wahwahing and twisted scenarios, the right gets happy with what they can get.can you imagine if the investigation was shown to have stalled cause of them damn librul reporter thingies? the screams would be about law and order and justice not being pursued would be deafening

  benghazi just won't go away. testimony has shown that yes there ware security problems but those security problems were from trying to do more with less due to budget cuts by congress. and there were bad decisions made. no question about that. but hindsight is great. in all our lives, we have 'if we hadda known, we coulda' situations. but as far as rescuing? there were no military assets available since libya is a foreign country. any rescue would have had to be sending in whatever troops from elsewhere and both a general and an admiral have testified before congress that no one could have arrived in time. so the only scandal could be mixed messages after the attack. understandable when you have multiple voices from digfferent agencies trying to sidestep any possible blame for the situation. this was not a from the top down clusterfuck. and yes, the administration should have ascertained the realities before babbling. but in the afttermath of any event, there are multiple interpretations dependant upon who is the viewer and what their viewpoint reveals to them.
 and these all prove that the federal government is not an immense juggernaut controlled in toto by the head of the executive branch. thus the whining about THAT is rather overblown by the bobbleheads on the right.

(just curious...why is it that the far right mutters dire predictions and warnings about how you can't trust Big Guvmint yet strips buttnekkid and embraces Big Corporate wholeheartedly?)




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