TBD on Ning

The country seems to be split evenly by their opinion, "What is America?"

1/2 claims Obama is trying to change the country.  The other 1/2 + me believe Obama is not trying to change America, but is trying to save the America I grew up with.

I don't believe there is an argument that dysfunctional Congressional politics is a result of an argument about the role of religion and centralized government in our country.  It started during the Revolutionary War years, came to a head again like an infected boil on ones ass during the Civil War years, and now here we are again.  The first time the Confederacy had to be dissolved, the 2nd time the Confederacy failed by force of arms, and the Republicans who called themselves Whigs were so conspicuously dysfunctional, they had to rename themselves "Republicans".  And here we are ...

Who are we?  Who are they?

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I saw two very funny bumper stickers yesterday, real ones on cars. The first was on a big black Mercedes,it said "I am not a republican". The second was on a little Hyundai, it said "don't believe the liberal media". Made think about people being smart and successful and others being dumb and wanting to share it.




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