What does this word "
submission" mean to you? Does it mean " to love and - obey" - or will/did you have those words stricken from your wedding vows? (I did - I asked my intended if he would say them too - he said no way (!) - hence - stricken!) Is this word even in your life lexicon or vernacular? What does "biblical" submission mean to you, if anything? Is submission a religious ideology or an old mind set or something new and other?
This question is posed as the issue has been raised and is under a bit of controversy in one of our LFF's wonderful discussions in her "online dating" group entitled: "
The Needs of A Modern Woman"
*Do you would you and if so how and why would you "submit" to your mate ( man or woman )? And if you submit, what must he or she do in return for such largess?
(All attempts at ribald good humour along with thoughtful input will be appreciated!)
* Not every member within the halls of "For Women Only" is heterosexual, so the question is posed to one and all.
Tags: equality, feminism, gender_issues, psychology, religion, sex, sociology, spirituality