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And that is just in Ohio.  Would seem like a no brainer, right?

I haven't been in a Walmart in at least 10 years. How they pay their employees is just one of the reasons why. The Walton children who are each worth about 40 billion dollars give me other reasons to boycott Walmart. Most of them hold extreme political views mainly aimed at public schools. They finance several groups that work against public schools. In my opinion public schools made this nation great and anyone who works to destroy them does not have the good of the nation in mind. I could go on but I chose not to rant today.

I am not a fan of Walmart but they aren't alone in paying low wages. These jobs  as well as fast food jobs were not meant to raise a family on. They are for people on SS wanting to make a little extra or high school kids getting in the job market.  The only way to hurt these companies is not to shop there.  I don't but not just because of the low wages.

Yeah, I don't know what all the fuss is about...no one has to work at Wal-Mart if they don't wish to; go find a better-paying job! Heck, you can make more money waiting tables! And if that isn't enough....you don't have to shop there. Good luck waiting for Wal-Mart to change its policies as long as the people keep coming in and the applications keep getting filled out. And the thing about China? Almost everything you use nowadays was either made in China or Korea.......or assembled from parts made over there. We don't make anything here anymore. The leader of the manufacturing era no longer makes anything! If we stopped shopping at Wal-Mart.....and no one applied to them for a job......they would go out of business.....period. End of problem.

I don't shop there and I wouldn't dream of working for a place like that. There are people who will continue to do it though even if it's bad for the country and our taxes have to half support most of the workers.

yeah i'm curious about them other stores too chief . sometimes you have to look at where and who the report is commin from .. could be that walmart is a good target cause they are the biggest .. sad part is some people don't really have a choice .. they need a job .. maybe not for a lifetime .. but for right now .. and walmart does a lot of hirein .. quite a turnover rate from what i can see .. so a part of it could be that a lot of people don't stay long enough to earn more money ?? in any event it wouldn't surprise me anymore what corporate america would do if they could get away with it .. 

I also read somewhere that the Walton family makes 25,000.00 per minute.  About those other stores I can only speak for Target (i worked for them) not in the stores, but I do know they start employees off higher then the going rate around town.   In Minnesota , it's about 10 dollars an hour.  As far as Walmart goes, I will never shop there.  

I don't shop at those stores either. My shopping is mostly Costco and Amazon these days and our local farmers market and the Danish Grocery Neilson's or El Rancho a specialty grocery with lots of local produce etc. I sometimes do Trader Joe's and for bargain household items TJ Maxx.

i hate to sound pedantic but a middle-aged woman working at walmart is not supplementing the family income. she is working so that there IS a family income. that concept of the male being the primary breadwinner and the woman being of lesser import goes a ways to explain why women get paid less than men rather than getting equal pay for the same work. but hell let phyllis schlafley tell you...

Female GOPer: Ladies Love the Wage Gap—It Helps Them Find Husbands

Republican activist Phyllis Schlafly penned an op-ed in the Christian Post this week to set the record straight about the alleged “wage gap” debate. According to Schlafly, women not only deserve to be paid less than men because they, as a gender, work less, but women want to be paid less because it makes it easier for them to find a husband. “Will women prefer to HAVE a higher-earning partner, men generally prefer to BE the higher-earning partner in a relationship,” Schlafly writes. “This simple but profound difference between the sexes has powerful consequences for the so-called pay gap.” She continued by providing this dystopian hypothetical scenario: “Suppose the pay gap between men and women were magically eliminated. If that happened, simple arithmetic suggests that half of women would be unable to find what they regard as a suitable mate.”

yeah .. i agree it is the american way but .. sometimes you have to try and give the little guy a legup .. and just my opinion but every extra penny you spend comes back to you disguised as a nickel .. how you say ?? pride and loyalty to your job .. anybody remember that kinda feelin ?? when your job meant a lot to you and you meant somethin to them .. i don't remember it always bein so dog eat dog .. don't get me wrong i understand business cause i had a few of my own and you have to know your own bottom line or you won't be in business for long .. but how much money does anybody at the top really need ?? after you buy that first million dollar house do you really need the 3rd and the 4th million dollar house too .. nothin wrong with earnin some and spendin some too.. but doncha think there's a limit somewhere ?? like if you're a billionaire maybe ?? like the walton family is .. i'm not sure how many of em there are that are in the billionaire club but its more than just 3 or 4 .. and its not just one or two billion each .. if all of em said we'll take a half a billion less so the little people can live a bit better do you think they'll live any worse ?? oh gee.. i only have 9 and a half billion instead of 10 .. how am i gonna get by ?? i'm not tryin to be a socialist here but should so few have so much and so many have so little ?? gotta be a way to balance it out .. just a little bit ..  

Few anf fewer support ther small mm and pop stores . Not a hole lot of them left . None around here anymore that I can think of . Walmart is my store . Since I can't go there anymore my cousin picks up stuff for me and sometimes at our local grocery store . Around here theres not a whole lot of choice of where they can find a job . Older people can't find jobs because of their age . Seems fast food isn't any better of a place and has highter turn over . My youngest daughter works in a restrant in Florida . Some nights she gets $120 or more tips not counting her base wage . Lot more than she could make in a regular job .....

and the reason there isn't another venue in which to shop is walmart. their specialty used to be to go into semirural areas and essentially kill off every competing business. then they moved into more urban areas etc. when the local businesses go out of business, the only employment is walmart and they really find a sweet spot in a college town. lots of bodies willing to work for low wages since there are no other jobs and they get to recapture their wages when the employees buy their groceries and supplies.

by the way, the 4 waltons in the top 10 of the forbes billionaires list managed to struggle thru with a combined income from walmart dividends in just the first three quarters of 2013 of 1.4 Billion dollars...meantime a walmart in an area actually makes the area more poor by shipping all the profits to arkansas....and the taxpayers face paying for social services for the employees of between 900k and 1.7 million per store....we, the american taxpayer, are subsidizing walmart




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