TBD on Ning

Cops say a man killed himself while handcuffed in the back of their cruiser with a gun they didn't know he had even though they searched him and found drugs on him. 


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Yes it does and this is not the first time it has "happened".

This is so obvious, murder by cop.

it does .. but like so many cases there's probably more to this .. lets hope this time if it is outright murder all the facts come out .. the way it looks now it seems pretty improbable that someone can get searched and they don't find the handgun .. and then to kill themselves for what ?? i want to see more facts about this one .. 

so the way its bein told now it don't look suspicious to you pat ?? if this is all there is to it i think it looks very suspicious .. but then when they broke the story about treyvon martin and george zimmerman they made it sound like zimmerman shot him just for walkin by and that was simply not the case .. with mike brown in ferguson they want to say he was shot down while tryin to surrender but some things there don't add up either .. mike brown was 6'4'' tall .. i don't know how tall darren wilson was but in order for him to shoot mike on the top of his head wilson would have had to be quite a bit up in the air .. how high i'm not sure but i don't think he could have held his gun over his head that high to get that angle .. unless mike brown rushed him with his head down like wilson said he did .. but thats still up to the forensics people to work out ..

this kid tho was cuffed and searched and he somehow pulls a gun out of his pocket and manages to shoot himself and nobody else ?? first they said he was shot in the back .. but then it was in the chest . then it was in his side .. so they still need to get all the details right .. but as it is now it looks very suspicious to me .. but till they make their final report i'll withhold my opinion because i've been led down the wrong trail more than once by an over zealous press who have their own axe to grind .. and they know these kind of stories get people riled up .. and that keeps you tuned in .. 

Or Wilson could have continued to shoot as Brown fell to the ground face first.

that could be true too p.a. . i heard somethin a couple of days ago and it was somebody's voicemail who just happened to be leavin a message at the same time mike brown was bein shot .. and you can hear the gunshots .. and they're so fast that its hard to count them all .. i think they said it was 8 shots in all.. there were 4 shots in about a second and then a pause of about a second and then 4 more .. if wilson shot one round off in his squad car like he said that would make 9 shots in all .. i'm guessin thats what his clip held ( but its only a guess at this point i'm not sure ) so it would show that wilson was pretty hopped up from all the adrenaline and just shootin like mad till his clip was empty.. so there wasn't a lot of time between shots for mike brown to be sayin much of anything it was so fast .. and i'd think if i was kneelin up sayin i surrender and then got shot 4 times it would knock me back , not forward .. but then i'm not a forensics expert so i'll let them wrangle all that out .. i could be wrong here.. i haven't heard much about the voicemail with the shots since tho so who knows maybe they couldn't cooberate that as wilsons gun bein fired ?? if the grand jury says there should be a trial then they'll have to battle it out in court ...  




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