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Ingenious mom comes up with an app that locks her kids’ phones until they call her back

Ingenious mom comes up with an app that locks her kids’ phones until they call her back

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Ingenious mom comes up with an app that locks her kids’ phones until they call her back

Sharon Standifird is a mom from Houston, Texas, who had a problem: Her children would not return her calls and texts on time. Frustrated and worried, she decided to take the matter into her own hands and create an app to specifically deal with teenagers who do not answer calls from parents on their smartphones, even though she didn’t actually know how to code.

“We need to develop an app that just shuts their phone completely down and they can’t even use it,” she told ABC13. “I got on the internet and I literally just started researching how to develop an app.”

Called Ignore No More, the app is available only on Android at this time and costs $1.99 per phone, although an iOS version is in the making. Once installed, the app will allow parents to lock the phones of their children until they call back. Until that happens, they’ll be restricted to calling parents, or 911 in case of emergencies. Everything else, however, will not work on the smartphone.

“It takes away texting, it takes away gaming, it takes away calling their friends, surfing the internet. If there’s an emergency, the child will always be able to call 911. It’s a feature that no developer can take off the phone,” Standifird said.

The application can’t be disabled, the app’s description says, and the app’s website has a thorough FAQ section that explains what can happen in various scenarios with the phone such as the phone being set on airplane mode, being lost, and other types of mishandling of the app.

As for Standifird, after installing the app on her son’s phone she discovered that he returns her calls and texts a lot faster than he used to.

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How would someone even make something like that.  Man I wish I had this back in the day when my kids were teens.  Wait!  We didn't even have cell phones in the 90s.

Once( many times, but this once I remember the excuse) my son did not call to tell me where he was and I was frantic.  When I asked why he didn't call, he said there were no phones--in NYC!  grrrrrrrr.

Golly!  Remember phone booths?

There is still a drive up phone at a little market about 1/2 miles from my house. I see people using it fairly often.
English question crest. Should I have written 1/2 mile or 1/2 miles? Common sense says mile but but miles has a better sound.

Mile--singular.  Never go by sound. "There are RULES, you know. The rules MUST BE OBEYED!!!" she said to the class, veins bulging in her neck, eyes popping from their sockets.

I know the feeling.

oooo if i was from an english boarding school, i could get excited.....

with the widespread usage of cell phones, the reason for some of the remaining pay phones and phone booths is that the business requests them to stay. often they have to guarantee a certain dollar amount per month to the phone company to retain them

i think this is a great idea .. if i had kids at home still i wouldn't let them use their phone unless they returned my calls asap .. all you have to do is take their phone away for a day the first time .. 2 days the second time .. a week the third time .. i doubt there would be a 4th time .. or even a 2nd time actually .. cause after all if your kid don't answer their phone knowin full well you'll snatch it from em if they don't get back asap , then you'd know somethin has to be wrong .. and thats when you start trackin em .. and that can make all the difference if they are in trouble .. 




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