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aftershave cologne and perfume .. how much is too much ??

well first off let me start by sayin i probably have more of this stuff than any 3 guys should but then i don't know cause i don't count what other guys have .. i just counted mine tho and i have 16 bottles of the stuff .. and i get it for all sorts of reasons from all different people .. birthdays , christmas , old spice day ( better known as fathers day ) and the stuff just piles up .. and i still have a few bottles from 1973 or so ..( they're almost empty by now tho ) .. i'll be honest you watch sam malone on cheers and he just uses that stuff by the bucketful and it kinda makes me cringe .. if i use it at all its just a little dab .. i'm not one of them if a little is good then a lot must be better .. i'm quite the opposite.. all you need is just a dab at most .. which is why i probably have so much of the stuff .. women on the other hand probably have more maybe ?? maybe not ..again i don't know cause i don't go thru womens perfume and count it .. i never counted mine till today ( i guess i have too much time on my hands ) anyway , whats your thoughts .. how much is too much .. to wear at one time is what i mean .. i'm not tryin to pass any judgement here but i think a woman with just a dab of perfume smells nice .. but if she does herself up like a french whore well then thats too much .. i had a girlfriend who i thought wore too much perfume .. i never really said much about it cause i don't like to hurt anyones feelins but i did try droppin subtle hints .. she never got em .. some girls just ain't all that quick on the uptake i guess .. anyway she went to work one day and found out they were movin her desk to the otherside of the office because another girl complained that her perfume was chokin her every day .. she complained to me that it wasn't fair .. all i said was try and see it from the other girls point of view .. if she's havin a hard time breathin then it is a real problem .. she got mad at me and said you're takin her side .. do you think i use too much perfume ?? a little bit i said .. why didn't you ever tell me ? i did .. a few times but you never really paid any attention and it wasn't worth fightin over .. anyway she didn't think that was the reason .. she thought it was somethin else .. but she was always like that .. when i'd try to tell her stuff she'd say so what is it really ?? after awhile i'd just shake my head .. nothin .. so .. now that i said all that .. and got that off my chest .. whats this gonna cost me ?? good therapists don't come cheap ya know . and they don't wear too much perfume either ..  

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I love a little scent on men, the whole point to me is you don't know about it unless you're really close. If you can smell it from farther then a few feet it's too much.

I feel the same about scent on women, I don't like knowing the name of a woman's perfume when she walks into a room I think a lot of women get this wrong. I especially don't like the scent so strong it gives you a headache. 

Scent is important to me, men who bathe and use a great soap is enough actually. If they use the standard bath soap then a little cologne is nice. I actually like Old spice or Arimis, I'm sure there are many more but it should be subtle.

i used to love aramis lifey .. that was one of my favorites but its a personal thing .. not everyone likes that one cause it can be kinda strong .. speakin of sam malone believe it or not his first big break was as the aramis man .. ted danson i mean .. anyway i haven't seen any of that stuff around lately so i thought they quit makin it .. not that i need another bottle of it even tho i actually finished the bottle i had .. the way i figure it if i can't die till all my cologne is gone i'll make it till star date 2147.. or 2149 .. somewhere in there ..  

i agree chief .. i agree .. i remember when i used to be out in my spray booth a lot sprayin guitars and it never really bugged me  but now if i'm in there too long it gives me a terrific headache..and i have a good sized exhaust fan that sucks the air right outta there .. it still ain't enough .. it'll make my throat wanna close up .. there's this little thing in the back of your throat that hangs there like a little speedbag at a boxin gym and its called a uvula .. and mine gets so swollen that every time i try to swallow its like tryin to swallow your own throat which of course you can't .. i think its called uvulitis .. sounds kinda sexy but its not really ..and some cologne and perfume will effect me the same way .. which is why i don't wear all that much of it .. if i do its to make nancy happy cause she likes it .. and here she comes now with some cause i just told her what this post is about and she's puttin it on me as i type .. but she don't overdo it .. too much anyway ..   

A little bit goes a long way....on a man I like a fresh soapy smell and a citrusy scent.

I have two bottle of perfume....Shalimar and Patachouli Oil. And a three of bottles of cologne...4711, vanilla coconut, and lemon verbena. A little dab'll do ya.

Lilly of the valley talc and not too much. I have some ancient White Linen by Estee Lauder but that seems too strong to wear in public. Freshly scrubbed with a mild soap is the best scent of all. I do have a weakness for Patchouli and Brut.

LOL, yes I have intervened on behalf of the general public when it comes to manly cologne. I dumped a whole bottle of I don't know what it was supposed to be, down the drain on Ray. He was absolutely horrified because he had spent $7 on it. I think Raid was the secret ingredient. N-A-S-T-Y.

I used to use Mennon . Haven't bought any in 20 years ...

My favorite sent on a man is Aqua de Gio, or something like that.  It has a clean citrus scent, drives me wild.  When I catch a whiff of it I just want to lean in closer and smell some more....see I think that is what scent should do, draw someone in closer.  I used to have a summer scent, Crystal by Channel and a scent for winter, Cinnabar by Estee Lauder, but I find myself wearing the Crystal all the time now, the Cinnibar is too strong, even if I just use a hint. 

any is too much for me...  i used to like Obession for men, but it turned out i liked the scent better than the men wearing it, the smell will still make me weak in the knees but i know better know :)    i used to use Wild Musk myself or a lighter Tea Rose one, but now nothing and that's ok...

I am a scent person.  Whenever we go to a place with all those little shops, I invariably come home with incense or scented candles or reed diffusers.

I love scent on men.  I make my husband put on cologne, not something he would think of if not reminded, when we are headed out or before private time. I bought him Black Vintage by Kenneth Cole.  I also loved Aramis back in the day. My daddy wore Polo always.

For myself, I am very very fussy about scent.  I usually have one perfume that I wear for a long time--like a signature scent.  Right now, because it's summer and cheap, I wear Happy by Clinique.  As soon as the weather starts to cool or if I'm going somewhere special, it's Body by Burburry or Infusion D'Iris by Prada .  I also love natural scents like roses and lavender.  I also use body cream that smells of roses.  It's from L'Occitane.  I can't wear anything heavy because I have allergies and get a headache.

Two women I work with--OMG!  I can smell them if they are on the same floor as I.  One wears Angel, a heavy perfume anyway, and one wear patchouli, which I also love, Chief, but not as heavily as this woman wears it.  Both are beautiful women but way too much perfume.


I used to wear...Hell, I don't remember the names. My fiancee would pick out something she liked on me. But after her gall bladder surgery, suddenly every man's cologne (and most of hers) made her violently ill. Now I just shower with whatever "men's soap" she likes at the moment, and call it a win.




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