TBD on Ning

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I read somewhere but don't remember where, that happens a lot at my age, that the Mayans did not calculate for leap years so according to their calendar this would have all been over last June.

Well, see you tomorrow, maybe! 

That's true P.A. Their calendar was a 260 day one thru  their year called the  Tzolk'in. They were very complex.


I was wondering how their year was calculated because if they didn't use our calender, what would leap year matter?

It's 2012. The Mayans say
The world will end this year.
If you don't have a Valentine yet,
It's your last chance, I fear.
Get up, get out there, start your search
To find your Valentine.
In 2012 just seek the one
To whom you'll say, "Be Mayan."


Breaking news out of Lickskillet, AL. This investigative reporter contacted the Mayans this morning for an exclusive interview. George and Ethyl Mayan, who live up the holler, said that indeed Dec. 21 was going to be a life changing day. For the first time in their life, they are going to leave the county and go to Gulf Shores for Christmas. The Mayans deny rumors that they left writings on stele in Mexico proclaiming the end of the world. Neither one can write and they've never even been to Mexico. Since they never had children and George was an only child, this is apparently the end of the Mayans.

Now, the weather.

Dang, it's cold.

Back to you, Bob.

Thanks Red, now I feel better.

No problem. I believe that an informed society, knows stuff.

My next interview will be with the Protozoa Family on the theory of elevation...that don't seem right. This reporters spellchecker was donated to him by The Hardshell Primitive Baptist Church, and it keeps saying that evolution is the wrong word. 

Darn biased spell checkers.

We're doomed doomed doomed I tell ya...

Santa's house is underwater....!

Not only that Rodolfo's nose is now green....?




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