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Thanks PA, My biggie is going to be to try to keep the bladder instead of having it removed like everybody here wants to do. I'm going to try to get to a cancer research center here that thinks outside of the box, and see if they have any ideas. The thought of being opened up with all of the crazy stuff they did to me with the hernia will make removing the bladder extremely difficult and probably quite risky too. I'd hate to survive the cancer and die due to complications from the surgery.

There are all kinds of healing techniques out there we don't hear about. I hope you find what's best for you. Have you scouted out a place?

I'm so glad to hear you feel up to seeking out alternative protocols, Bubbalah! (((Happy dance.)))

Are you heading to  H. Lee Moffitt?

Moffitt is the plan. My neighbor across the street was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 2 years ago. Her oncologist gave her 6 months top. She went to Moffitt, Looks great, and 2 days ago I saw her out mowing the grass!!!


Good for you, Bubs, and woohoooo!!!! for your neighbor. 

Tee exactly as Angharad and Jo said! I am very happy that you are cleer on Your major concerns and up to persueing possible alternitives for your treatment plan.

Go Bubba!

Heay Bubby did you start chemo today? Are you feeling ok pup?



Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Teebub—can you get medicinal weed in Florida?

If so, can we come live with you?

I call this "Devoted Lifestyle" .... Talking about Post Picture above ..

Can't get the medical weed here yet Angharad. Dammit! But am actually checking around. Wouldn't be the first time I've purchased an illegal substance. Problem is that it has been so long that I really don't know anybody that has access. So it's kinda ask somebody that might know somebody that might know somebody deal so far. You can come live with me whether I score or not.




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