TBD on Ning

Last week I went for my 3 month checkup (blood work etc).  My calcium level was thru the roof.  (I am not taking calcium).  I asked what that meant and was told usually a tumor on the parathyroid or breast cancer. (great...) She ordered more blood work and when it came back she called and said nope, not my parathyroid.  (great..)Went for a mammogram Friday and was called today and told "everything is normal" there.  GREAT!!!!!  Now we are back to square one on WTH is causing the calcium level. I can live with that!!

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Good for you dwalt! Keep us posted if you find out what is causing your calcium to be so high, does that mean your bones are stronger?

That's what I thought too.  Nope apparently it is not a good thing.

No, not a good thing...needs to be followed up on. Do a little reading...there lots of info on it.

I have.  The only thing I can't figure out is how I got too much.

I had a high potassium level after some blood work a couple of years ago. The first thing my doctor did was to redo the blood work. It came back fine. He told me lab errors were very common especially on a Friday afternoon which is when I had the test.

I had to fast so I was there at 7:30am.

Yeah, well it blew my dr's theory to hell too.

I just feel tired but that could be from getting up so early and driving 100 miles a day.

I do take b/p medicine.  My dr is supposed to get in touch with me tonight and tell me what is next.

Have you been dumpster diving behind a pizza restaurant?

T2 thanks for the link. I saved it and am going to ask the dr about it.  Uno, smoking that is not legal in your state.  Mine on the other hand ..well it explains me being in the dumpster.




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