TBD on Ning

Do you always follow instructions...corporate policy....how about laws. Do you give your zip code when asked at the store? Come to a full and complete stop? Drive under the speed limit? Stay tuned..don't touch that dial? Shake well before using? Open this end?

Or do you live on the edge and run with scissors....swim after eating....or wear white after Labor Day?

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Wait a few years, you may yet live it down.
Laws - yes

Instructions - sometimes

Corporate policy - usually

Today (after Labor Day) I am wearing WHITE SANDALS, which is technically against the dress code here at work. They do, however, go perfectly with the skirt I am wearing, so I am wearing them anyway! :-p

Call the fashion police!!
It's a good thing Mr. Blackwell is dead....otherwise he would put you on his "list"....for that fashion faux pas. BTW...is that big toe waving at us? hahahahaha
I think your right Anthony!
[sigh] No, no, no! If I were going to flip you off, I'd have used THIS toe!

Is it just me, or is it impossible to "give someone the toe" without using props?
Uhhh... wait, Calli... nice thought, but - wrong toe?
Or are you just trying to avoid being flagged?
Dang it Chez, you're right! Umm, I mean yeah, I was trying to avoid being flagged.... ;-)

You've got good taste Calli...and cuter toes!
I occasionally live on the edge. Yellow light can mean go faster, but I do come to a complete stop. I DO drive the speed limit. Shaking well first is a GOOD idea..ick settles. I lick the beaters..tear the tags off mattresses and pillows...'F 'em! I will open a box of crackers on the wrong end and feel terrible about it for a while....I DO NOT keep butter, mustard or ketchup in the fridge..Corporate policy is REALLY important if you want to keep your job...
Love the shoes Jaylee! :-)
Pretty feet there, Yankee Girl....




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